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The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit (GBTK) 2022 – My Review – Should You Buy It?

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information.

What is The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit (aka GBTK)? What’s included in the bundle? And most importantly: Is it worth the price and should you buy it?


GBTK 2022 - Genius Blogger's Toolkit 2022
The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2022 – GBTK 2022

When I first heard about the Ultimate Bundles and their products (like The Genius Blogger’s ToolkitI couldn’t quite understand how these toolkits with all those amazing resources can be sold at something like 97% off.

How can you get tens of resources worth a few thousand dollars with just a fraction of the price?

Are the products any good?

And why is everyone raving about these toolkits?

I’m a bit of a learning junkie, so after understanding the concept, it didn’t take long for me to become a super fan of these bundles. 

And because I’ve spent hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on different kind of blogging courses and resources to learn what I need to build my blog and business, to get 62 AH-MAZING resources with a fraction of the price makes me buy The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit every single year!

But this toolkit is not the right fit for everyone! So here’s my review on the GBTK 2022 toolkit so that you can find out if you should get it! 

*** This post includes affiliate links. Click here for the full disclosure policy. ***

What are these toolkits and “Ultimate Bundles”?

First I want to share a little more and answer a few questions about the company behind these toolkits. They’re called the Ultimate Bundles.

If you’re already familiar with these toolkits and want to just read my review, click here and it’ll scroll down to that part of this post.


The Ultimate Bundles and Toolkits are a collection of amazing resources (ebooks, workbooks, e-courses, planners etc.) that the company Ultimate Bundles puts together. Each product has been contributed to the bundle by a different blogger, coach and/or digital entrepreneur.


The toolkits are usually sold for a limited time ( a week or so) and during that time you can get ALL the resources about that topic with a huge discount.

Some of the bundles turn into “evergreen” offer but you’ll get even better deal when you buy these when these bundles are lauched or when there’s a “flash sale”.


To anyone who wants to improve themselves, learn something new or wants or needs a little help with something they want to accomplish. 

There have been bundles about Productivity, Healthy Meal Planning, Mastering Your Money, Home Schooling, Grow your Business… you name it… and the toolkit about the blogging resources is one of the most amazing ones! 

NOTE: This deal is a no brainer, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re NOT a blogger or an solopreneur/business owner and/or you don’t need to level up your social media game or make videos or write content then you might not need this.

BUT if you ARE a blogger, or you would like to become one (or you’re thinking about it) or you are a solopreneur/business owner and you use social media or write content then you’re going to fall in love with these resources… like I did!

Psst! I buy this toolkit every year! Because every year it comes with different resources!


Not much. Not much at all. 

The prices depend on the bundle but for example The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2022  is on sale for a week (September 21st and 27th, 2022) and it has 62 products (+ bonuses!) in it and it’s worth over $6400 . And you can get it now for €97!

It’s a steal!


Don’t worry! It’s not going to be overwhelming at all. 

You shouldn’t expect yourself to go through all of the resources. You don’t have to study every single course, read every book and print out all the printables and planners.

The best part is that you get to sample products from different writers, coaches and bloggers and see which ones you like.


You must have heard people calling something a win-win situation. Meaning that something happens and everyone wins. Well, these toolkits are one of those “situations”.

You win because you get all those amazing resources for the fraction of the price!

The company – Ultimate Bundles – wins, because they can collect these bundles and sell them.

The contributors to the bundles (meaning the writers, course creators etc.) win because they get to showcase their work for thousands of people that otherwise wouldn’t maybe find them. And instead of selling their course or book to their audience they can sell these bundles and then their audience get the product they want to get plus tens more with approximately the same price. 

So actually this is a win-win-WIN situation! 

So I think we’ve established by now that I’m a huge fan of these bundles. And I buy a lot of different bundles during the year.

And next I’ll walk you through The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2022.


The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2022 – What do you get for $97

GBTK 2022 - Genius Blogger's Toolkit 2022
The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2022 – GBTK 2022 – 62 resources at 97% off

Quick facts about The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit:

Products: 29 eCourses, videos, & audio, 20 printables, workbooks, & guides, 6 eBooks, and 3 templates

Value: $6427.51

Price: $97

The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2022 is been sold right now.

So if you’re looking to conquer your to-do list, reach your goals, and find more time for the things that matter you the most, then this bundle has all the resourses that can help get there!

There are 62 products worth over $6400 (!):

  • 29 eCourses, videos, & audio
  • 20 printables, workbooks, & guides
  • 6 eBooks,
  • and 3 templates

And all the resources fall under one of these 9 categories. It’s a lot of categories so I’ll highlight my favorites and if you click the link it’ll scroll down to that part of this post. 

The categories covered in the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit:

  • AFFILIATE MARKETING (4 resources worth $338.97)
  • CONTENT CREATION (7 resources worth $1181.00)
  • EMAIL MARKETING (2 resources worth $84.00)
  • LEGAL & FINANCE (3 resources worth $169.00)
  • MARKETING & GROWTH (5 resources worth $402.00)                                                        
  • MONETIZATION (3 resources worth $1219.00)
  • PRODUCTIVITY & PLANNING (6 resources worth $118.99)
  • SEO (5 resources worth $595.98)
  • SETTING UP YOUR BLOG FOR SUCCESS (5 resources worth $727.00)
  • SOCIAL MEDIA (7 resources worth $295.00)
  • TECH & DESIGN (7 resources worth $1065.00)
  • TEMPLATES & PLR CONTENT (7 resources worth $267.57)

You can find helpful products that can guide you whether you are a beginner or more advanced and whether you are just starting out or if you want to learn how to start and grow an email list, monetize your blog, make eye-popping graphics, handle technical and legal challenges, and so much more. 

And as I wrote before – and I can’t emphasize it enough – you don’t have to study everything or go through all the resources.

Even though you’d use only a few of the products, most likely the value of them will be much more than what you paid for this toolkit!).

And here’s what you’ll get for only $97.


Affiliate Marketing (4 resources worth $338.97)

  • Affiliate Marketing The Sadie Way by Sadie Smiley (eCourse) $77.00

Learn how to do affiliate marketing in an authentic, profitable way!

  • Affiliate Surge Challenge: 14 Days Affiliate Marketing Challenge For Bloggers by Ana Skyes (eCourse) $95.00

Improve affiliate conversions and sales for content you already have!

  • Gift Guide Blueprint by Gemma McBride (eBook) $19.97

Your easy guide to making gift guide posts that convert into sales.

  • The Black Friday PowerUP by Leanne Scott – Passive Income Superstars (eCourse) $147.00

A course jam packed with unique and lucrative strategy ideas, tutorials and the templates you need to have the most profitable November EVER

Content Creation (7 resources worth $1181.00)

  • Blog Post Shortcuts Make It Better 3-Pack by Karon Thackston (Templates) $27.00

Templates to inspire and empower you to write unique blog posts… Fast!

  • 20 Editing Case Studies for Blogging Mastery by Todd Brison (eCourse) $97.00

Learn to edit better by watching these blog post breakdowns

  • Creating a Printables Business from Scratch by Gillian Sarah (eCourse) $247.00

Let Gillian show you how to create a printables business completely from scratch in only 2 hours!

  • Nail Your Podcast Guest Pitch by Danielle Desir Corbett (eCourse) $397.00

Develop your winning podcast guest pitch strategy.

  • New Blog Post Creation Checklist Template & Training by Misty Dorman (eCourse) $17.00

Complete, digital checklist template of every task you do when creating, publishing, & marketing your new blog post (plus 6 quick training videos on how and why to do these tasks).

  • Online Course Jumpstart by Eb Gargano (eCourse) $297.00

Your complete step-by-step guide to creating and launching a successful online course IN JUST 8 WEEKS! (Plus get 14 bonuses, including Student Onboarding And Support, Creating An Affiliate Program and Selling After Your Launch).

  • Profitable Course Blueprint by Melissa Guller (eCourse) $99.00

The course creator’s guide to launching a signature course with clarity and confidence.

Email Marketing (2 resources worth $84.00)

  • How to Add 100+ Email Subscribers Each Month for FREE by Kerry Beck (eCourse) $37.00

Discover how to consistently add 100+ email subscribers each and every month for free.

  • Start + Grow Your Email List by Mim Jenkinson (eCourse) $47.00

The complete plan to start and grow an email list of engaged and prospective buyers for your blog or business!

Legal & Finance (3 resources worth $169.00)

  • 23 Legal Mistakes to Avoid as Bloggers & Entrepreneurs by Amira Irfan, Esq. (eBook) $47.00

Are you a blogger or entrepreneur who wants to stay out of legal trouble? This ebook is packed with information on how to avoid the most common legal mistakes made by business owners.

  • Disclosure Template : Plug-and-play legal template for your disclosure page and notices by Lucrezia Iapichino (eCourse) $27.00

Plug-and-play template for your disclosures page and plug-and-play template for your sponsored and in-article affiliate links disclosure for your blog posts.

  • Privacy Policy Template by Michelle Murphy (Template) $195.00

Customizable privacy policy template that you’re legally required to add to your website to protect your website visitor’s privacy.

Marketing & Growth (5 resources worth $402.00)

  • Bundle Contributions 101 by Faith Lee (eCourse) $67.00

All the tips you need to contribute to bundles effectively to grow your business, email list and product sales!

  • Fast Track Your Blog Traffic: No rocket science to attract new readers, get more clicks and build up massive traffic by Arfa Nazeer (eBook) $35.00

The 100-page guide with fail-proof lessons to build up a powerful blog audience and attract thousands of page views.

  • How To Grow Your Blog Through Collaboration by Jessie Festa (eCourse) $74.00

Learn how to grow your blog faster and easier by collaborating with other bloggers & brands!

  • Outsourcing Success Plan by Cindy Bidar (eCourse) $99.00

You’ll learn the pitfalls to avoid as well as the tried-and-true systems that make hiring and managing a team easy.

  • Purpose Driven Mompreneur Summit by Cara Harvey (Summit) $127.00

With Your VIP Pass you get lifetime access to watch the presentations, a digital workbook, MP3 versions of the summit AND an exclusive power pack of resources from our presenters!

Monetization (3 resources worth $1219.00)

  • Buying Niche Sites To Earn Faster by HerPaperRoute (eCourse) $997.00

Savvy bloggers don’t waste their time building niche sites from the ground up. We have a better strategy, and it’s to BUY niche sites that are already established.

  • Profitable Blog Workbook Bundle by Pat Servin (Workbook) $27.00

With the profitable blog workbook bundle you’ll get clarity on how to get your blog to make money for you without confusion or overwhelm.

  • The Blog Sponsorship Boss: How to Start Making Money with Sponsored Blog Posts, Find and Pitch Brands & Get Paid Every Time by Lidiya Kesarovska (eCourse) $195.00

Your one-stop shop for anything related to making money with sponsored content as a blogger (from making your site irresistible to brands and joining marketplaces, to negotiating your rates and turning this into a regular income).

Productivity & Planning (6 resources worth $118.99)

  • Blogging Course Planner & Tracker by Jae, Make Calm Lovely (Printable) $17.00 

Do you sign up for numerous courses and forget about them, or start them and never finish them? The Blogging Course Planner & Tracker will ensure you never forget another course ever again! Set detailed study plans, track goals & progress & more.

  • Blogging Holiday Planner by Lisa Sharp (Pritntable) $11.00

Get your blog ready for the holidays.

  • Organized Business Systems Audit by Jessica Litman : The Organized Mama (eBook) $27.00

You need systems to keep your business afloat, so make sure your systems are working for you with The Organized Business Systems Audit.

  • Printable Blog Planner by Lori Walker (Printable) $17.00

Whether you are looking for pages to help brainstorm post and product ideas or social media posts, this is the blog planner for you.

  • Small Business Planner: The Business Plan You’ve Always Needed by Cody Berman & Julie Berninger (Printable) $19.99

This 33-page small business planner was designed to help take your small business to the next level through tracking, planning, and optimizing.

  • The Ultimate Blog Audit Plan: A Comprehensive Check-In For Your Blogging Business by Frances Vidakovic (eCourse) $27.00

A comprehensive check-in for your blogging business.

SEO (5 resources worth $595.98)

  • 30 Day SEO Challenge E-Book by Chrissy Carroll (eBook) $19.00

Get actionable steps to create consistent and sustainable organic traffic growth. 

  • Create an Optimized Blog in 12 Easy Steps by Nicki Ong (eCourse) $249.00

Introducing the only SEO course you’ll need for your blog: Create An Optimized Blog in 12 Easy Steps. This course proves that you shouldn’t even think about blogging unless you’re going to optimize it for the search engines.

  • SEO Keyword Planner by Michelle Pontvert (Template) $100.98

Find the perfect keywords to show up in Google search and strategically plan out how to use them on your website.

  • The SEO Content Writing Course by Heather Ritchie (eCourse) $47.00

How to write blog content Google loves and get off page 17.

  • Traffic Jam SEO Course by Sarah Arrow (eCourse) $180.00

Get on the front page of Google, no degree in business required. 

Setting Up Your Blog for Success (5 resources worth $727.00)

  • Become a Blog Boss by Lynne Caine (eCourse) $497.00

A no non-sense training course in blogging, that use a proven systematic and strategic method to get your blog up, running, profitable, and successful at the soonest possible time.

  • Blogging Ideas Toolkit by Gael Wood (eCourse) $59.00

You’ll be ready to show up, shine your light and blog consistently with the Blog Star workshop and 100 idea generating prompts.

  • How to Build a Money-Making Blog by Izzy Matias (eCourse) $47.00

Learn the elements of a MONEY-MAKING blog so that you can approach blogging with MORE CLARITY and LESS OVERWHELM. Get access to 15+ lessons that show you how to set up a blog strategically so that you can start earning money.

  • No BS Blogging Bootcamp by Faith Mariah (eCourse) $97,00

A behind the scenes look at the exact strategies Faith used to grow a mental health blog into a fulltime income.

  • The Blogger Fastlane: Create Your $5k/Month Blogging Business Plan by Becca Klein (eCourse) $27.00

Create a $5k/month business plan for your blog. (Even if you know all your readers by name or don’t even have a blog yet!)

Social Media (7 resources worth $259.00)

  • Canva Pin Templates for Lifestyle Bloggers (includes bonus Idea Pin template!) by Kate Ahl – Simple Pin Media (Template) $35.00

15 Canva pin templates for lifestyle bloggers, plus a bonus Idea Pin template! Works with both the free and Pro version of Canva.

  • Get Reel Today: Use IG Reels to Grow, Connect, and Convert by Monica Monfre (eCourse) $57.00

Show up on Instagram reels, repurpose the content and make sales consistently (and do it in less than 10 minutes a day!) with this mini course and caption templates.

  • Next Level Pin Designs by Nadalie Bardo (eCourse) $49.00

Everything you need to design next level Pinterest Pins for free in Canva.

  • Pitch Perfect Media Kit Guide by Daniella Schoeman (Workbook) $50.00

Pitch Perfect Media Kit is a step-by-step workbook guiding you to build your Media Kit so that you can land more travel partnerships/collaborations/sponsorships.

  • Reels Accelerator Pack: Everything you need to grow with reels this week! by Bree Pair (Template) $27.00

A kickstart and make creating and planning your reels even easier!

  • The Ultimate Make Money on Instagram Kit: Double your sales by showing up for 2,5 minutes a day by Marta Ostoja Kiedrzynska (eCourse) $27.00

A bundle of video training, templates and daily prompts to double your sales from Instagram stories.

  • The Ultimate Pinterest Growth Workbook by Lidia S (Workbook) $14.00

A workbook to help you grow your Pinterest Business Account in no time. Get Access to Daily Checklists you need to do in order to Grow your Account, Tips on Profile SEO Optimization & Much More!

Tech & Design (8 resources worth $1065.00)

  • Beyond Productive with Google Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides and Photos by Dara Sklar (eCourse) $297.00

Go Beyond scratching the surface of these everyday free Google Tools (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, and Photos) and turbocharge your skills & efficiency.

  • Confidently Canva by Karina Gafford (eCourse) $57.00

Master Canva and learn how to design social media graphics and printables.

  • Perfect Product Photos: Learn how to take perfect product photos on a budget by Robyn O’Brien (eCourse) $47.00

Learn how to create winning compositions that will leave your viewers desperate to click buy.

  • Pocket Tech Coach by Sarah Crosley (eCourse) $282.00

A hub of easy-to-digest videos to help you get past your tech hurdle and back to work.

  • The Quickstart Guide to Being Ready to Build a Website by Gemma Louise Kimpton (eCourse) $111.00

This course aims to help you get your stuff together and be 100% ready to build a website that feels aligned, rock solid and future proofed, come rain, shine or rebrand.

  • Trello Essentials: How to Use Trello Like a Pro by Elizebeth Gidley (eCourse) $27.00

This course guides you through setting up 5 Trello boards to organize your business. This course includes these essential boards: Education Mapping, Map Out Your Goals, Create a Reference Guide, Store your Content Ideas and Monthly Site Audits. You can set these up yourself or you can grab the boards premade and make them your own.

  • Website in a Weekend: DIY Your Beautiful Website In 2 Days Or Less by Alison Reeves (eCourse) $147.00

Through this unique course focused on technical implementation and online marketing, you’ll replicate a beautiful but simple website to make sure your business is present and legitimate from the start. You’ll also learn online marketing basics!

  • Wonderful WordPress: From Clueless to Pro by Lisa van der Velde (eCourse) $97.00

The ONE course you need to set up your WordPress site correctly and confidently! Learn how to Configure Your WordPress Settings, Install & Customise A WordPress Theme, Create And Edit Your Pages & Posts, Create Your Headers, Sidebars & Footers, Secure Your Website, Update & Back Up Your Website, Get Your Site To Rank In Google Quicker, and more!

Templates & PLR Content (7 resources worth $267.57)

  • 100 Viral Quotes Images by Cecilie Aslaksen (Templates) $37.00

With 18 topics covered, and fully editable text and images, these 100 quotes can be used multiple times in all niches.

  • 2023 Canva Dated Wall Calendar – PLR by Christie Love Etter (Template) $25.00

This is a 2023 Wall Calendar Template made in Canva, that is pre-DATED and EDITABLE. 18 Pages, 11 x 8.5 (landscape) with PLR rights. 

  • Easy Breezy Planners by Kate Danielle (eCourse) $67.00

Create Your own Planners to Sell. Create beautiful planners without spending all day in Canva.

  • Media Kit Canva Template by Prachi Gupta (template) $24.00

A 6-page Media Kit Canva Template to help you stand out from the crowd so you’ll be ready for any monetization opportunities that come your way!

  • Self-Publishing Mastermind by Becky Beach (eCourse) $47.00

Learn how to repurpose your blog content into Kindle books on Amazon KDP.

  • Sleek Workbook Ebook Challenge Templates For Canva By Easy Templates by Jenn Summers (Workbook) $19.57

50 beautifully designed workbook pages in a consistent Sleek stylish design across all pages, everything you need to create business essentials in one kit!

  • The 65+ Pinterest Templates File + 3 Unique Bonuses by Lidia S (Template) $48.00

Edit and create Pins in a few Seconds in Canva, by just Dragging & Dropping. Make them Unique by Adding your Own Fonts & Colors – and they will be ready to go up on Pinterest in minutes!

Check out all the resources in the toolkit HERE. 

How I justify the price

If you use even a fraction of resources in the bundle it’s going to be worth the money you spend!

The first time I bought The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit I didn’t need all the courses because I was only starting out.

But I saved  all the courses, ebooks, planners and resources and I’ve been using them later (even now when my blog is in that stage that I need more information!)

So for example for me buying this toolkit is no brainer. 

I know I’m going to need and study these courses at least:

  • Gift Guide Blueprint by Gemma McBride (eBook) $19.97
  • Creating a Printables Business from Scratch by Gillian Sarah (eCourse) $247.00
  • Privacy Policy Template by Michelle Murphy (Template) $195.00
  • Canva Pin Templates for Lifestyle Bloggers (includes bonus Idea Pin template!) by Kate Ahl – Simple Pin Media (Template) $35.00
  • Trello Essentials: How to Use Trello Like a Pro by Elizebeth Gidley (eCourse) $27.00

Plus I already started to study this (and I LOVE IT!): 

  • Affiliate Marketing The Sadie Way by Sadie Smiley (eCourse) $77.00 – Sadie is an amazing coach and I love her Facebook groups and hands on approach when it comes to making money blogging.

So these 5+1 resources (our the 62!) are worth $600.00 and the bundle costs $97.00! 

And I know I’m going to be using a lot of the other resources and study the courses… when time is ripe.

So should you buy this bundle?

Whenever I buy something for myself that I want and even need I like to think of those purchases like they would be a gift. Gift to myself. A me-gift.

So like with any gifting, I want to be absolutely sure that I’m giving something that the recipient really wants. And because in this case the gift is a me-gift the recipient is me. So I need to gift myself something I really REALLY want.

And for me – these bundles are something I really REALLY want.

But is this bundle something that you really REALLY want? Is it something you would benefit from? Is it something you need? 

I could help you make the decision by giving you questions to answer like:

  • Are you going to benefit from some of these products?
  • Is there an area you need to improve and would this bundle hold resources that can help you with that?
  • Are there resources in this bundle that could help you achieve your goals?

But by now you already know if you want to buy it.

Buy the bundle if you really REALLY want it AND if you’re excited to start studying one of the courses, reading one of the ebooks or using one of the printables or templates. 

And if you know that one of these resources will take your blogging game to the next level! 

Check out the toolkit HERE

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