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Review Your Life With the Winter Reflection Worksheet {Free Printable}

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Want to plan and set goals for the next season? Super! But before you do that review your life with this winter reflection worksheet. 

Before planning and setting goals it’s important to reflect on the past. What went well? What did you enjoy? What are you grateful for? I’ve created a pretty and practical winter reflection worksheet that’ll help you and guide you to reflect on your winter before setting new goals for the next season.

I hope you like it!

Review your life with the winter reflection worksheet {Free Printable}

Winter reflection worksheet {Free Printable}

Before setting new goals it’s important to reflect on the past. 

Reviewing your life and reflecting can

  • help you identify what went well
  • learn from the mistakes you might have made
  • give you great ideas and perspective
  • and if done well might even make you happier. 
Review your life with the winter reflection worksheet {Free Printable}

This simple reflection worksheet goes perfectly with the other winter printables I’ve created – like with the winter plans & goals worksheet. 

You can use these “as-is” or add them to your letter-size planner or resize one of the design that comes without boarders to fit any planner or bullet journal and use the excess white space for notes or doodles.

And the worksheets look quite cute. Don’t they?

Pink, blue and black & white reflection worksheets for winter

Materials I use and recommend for the printables

Pink and beige reflection worksheets for winter

More information about this winter worksheet

I’ve created this “feel-good” reflection/reviewing worksheet that can help you reflect on your past before planning and setting goals for the next 12 weeks

I want you to succeed, plan a super productive season and to feel good about yourself while doing that. And I think that self-reflection plays an important part in that.

Pink reflection worksheet for winter

This winter reflection worksheet has the following sections: 

  • The most important goal you achieved
  • What inspired/excited you
  • The lowest point(s)
  • Emoji that describes your feelings
  • New skills you learned
  • You were happy spending time with…
  • What are you grateful for
  • The leasson(s) you learned 
  • Your favorite things

This reflection worksheet is a simple and fun way to reflect on the past before setting goals and planning for the future. 

It’s good to look into the past and learn from it, but it’s also wonderful to remember (and even relive!) all those beautiful and important moments that happened. And this self-reflection “tool” is like a diary page and a feel-good way to do so.

Color: The printables come in 4 different designs: pink, black & white, beige and blue, so that you’ll find one that you’ll like.

Size: The print is US letter size, but you can resize the one without the boarders to fit any planner or bullet journal and you can use the excess white space for notes and doodles.

Review your life with the winter reflection worksheet {Free Printable}

How to use the winter Reflection worksheet

I always encourage you to use all of the worksheets, planner pages and other printables I create in whatever way it suits you the best, but I also like to give some tips and ideas how they can be used. 

So here is the step-by-step guide how you can use the winter reflection worksheet.

So here is the step-by-step guide how you can use the winter reflection worksheet.

1. What is the most important goal you achieved?

Here you can write the biggest goal you achieved that moved you the most to the “right” direction towards your vision.

Or you can write here a few mini goals you achieved.

And remember that a goal doesn’t always have to be something efficient and super-productive.

If your goal was to relax  and take time for yourself, and you did that, then that’s great!

And if you did have some work-related goal that you achieved or you spent your time decluttering and organizing your house, then that’s amazing too! 

So if you set a goal and you achieved it, then this is the place to write it down and feel good about yourself! 

2. What inspired and/or excited you?

Here you can write the things that you were most excited about. Did you discover something new? Did you enjoy something unexpected?

Review your life with the winter reflection worksheet {Free Printable}

3. What was your lowest point?

To learn from our past we also need to visit some of the not so uplifting moments.

And if you experienced a “low point” like if you were low on energy, you didn’t feel like doing anything, you made a mistake or something like that, then this is the place to write it down. And after you’ve written it down, it’s time to reflect on that and see what you can learn from that experience.

And then you can move on – but take what you learned with you.

4. Which Emoji describes your feelings best? 

I think this is so much fun! Draw here the emoji that describes the overall feeling you had. Be creative! Check the emojis on your phone for inspiration!

5. Which new skills did you learn?

Here you can write the things you learned or new things you tried. It can be anything from learning a few words of a foreign language to trying a new dish you never thought you’d try.

It doesn’t have to be anything mind-blowing.

It’s just important for you to see that you’re always improving.

And if you did do something mind-blowing then that’s awesome!

6. Who were you happy spending time with?

Who were the people you spent most time with? Was it your family? Was it your friends? Was it your coworkers? Did spending time with them make you happy?

Was there some great conversation you had? Did you do something fun with a friend? Was there someone who made you laught? 

Write those names down. 

7. What are you grateful for?

Write here the things you were and are grateful for during the past 12 weeks. Don’t be too generic. Dig deeper and be specific. 

Feeling real gratitude makes you feel instantly good, spiritually wealthy and opens your mind for setting new goals.

8. Which “lessons” did you learn?

Did you learn something valuable from something that happened? 

It can be a positive experience or a negative one as long as you can take something from it with you. 

Review your life with the winter reflection worksheet {Free Printable}

9. What were your favorite things?

And here you can write down your favorite things. Not your all time favorites, but the ones from the past 3 months.

So what was your favorite…

  • book
  • song
  • food
  • treat
  • trip
  • party/event
  • activity
  • movie
  • tv-show
  • purchase

Psst! Sometimes the most expensive purchase is not the best and sometimes the longest vacation is not our favorite.

What did you enjoy? What was fun? Did some choice surprise you

Pink reflection worksheet for winter

The winter reflection worksheets on look like this:

Pink winter reflection worksheet

DOWNLOAD: PINK Winter Reflection Worksheet

© SaturdayGift Ltd. For personal use only, not to be copied, distributed, altered or sold.

Blue winter reflection worksheet

DOWNLOAD: BLUE Winter Reflection Worksheet

© SaturdayGift Ltd. For personal use only, not to be copied, distributed, altered or sold.

Black & White winter reflection worksheet

DOWNLOAD: BLACK & WHITE Winter Reflection Worksheet

© SaturdayGift Ltd. For personal use only, not to be copied, distributed, altered or sold.

Beige winter reflection worksheet

DOWNLOAD: BEIGE Winter Reflection Worksheet

© SaturdayGift Ltd. For personal use only, not to be copied, distributed, altered or sold.

How to download the winter reflection worksheet

You can download these printables right from this post.

Download the printables under each image above or from these links:

DOWNLOAD: PINK winter reflection worksheet

DOWNLOAD: BLUE winter reflection worksheet

DOWNLOAD: BLACK & WHITE winter reflection worksheet

DOWNLOAD: BEIGE winter reflection worksheet

Tip! I’ve noticed that the printable looks better when it’s first saved to your computer and then printed from there. That way you can choose the printer settings you like to have.

Next steps: Get the other printables of this series

These printables are part of the 12-week planning series. Each season I’ll be gifting you new planner sheets that’ll help you plan “seasonally” and set and achieve your 12-week goals.

The other articles/planner sheets of this 12-week planning -series are:

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Review your life with the winter reflection worksheet {Free Printable}

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