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How to Easily Achieve Your Goals Every Time – The 10-Step Method

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Have you ever wondered if there is an easier way to achieve your goals? Having dreams and setting goals is fun, but to achieve your goals is a different game.

I’ve put together step-by-step instructions to take you from a goal setter to a goal achiever in no time.

This is my favorite way to approach goal achieving. Take these 10 steps and become a goal getter and start living your dream life today.

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Read this article – 10-step method to to achieve your goals – if you want to:  

  • Know how you can easily achieve your goals
  • Be honest to yourself about your goals
  • Have goals that motivate you
  • Be prepared to take first actions to get closer to achieving your goals
  • Have step-by-step instructions to achieve your goals

Why you’ll need both a vision and action to achieve your goals

A Japanese Proverb says: Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is a nightmare.

We’ve all been there. Having an amazing vision about how we would love our lives to be, but we don’t take action to actually allow us to have the dream life we are so hoping to have. 

And at the same time we’re all also very busy in our lives! So in that sense we actually do take a lot of action because we have a lot of things we do!

But if there is no vision, we are just mindlessly doing a lot of things that take us nowhere. 

So you need both a vision and action to achieve goals

Dreaming about doing things is equally important as actually doing the things you dream about. But without action those dreams might become a nightmare. So let’s not let that happen!

In this article you choose one of your dreams and you’ll take yourself step-by-step to a place where you can achieve your goals. 

Are you ready to become a goal getter? SUPER! Let’s go!

10 steps to achieve your goals

Achieve your goals - become a goal getter instead of a goal setter | Goal setting | Goal Achieving | Goal getter | Self Development | Personal Development | Make dreams reality | How to achieve goals | SaturdayGift | Saturday Gift #SaturdayGift
These are the 10 steps (in a nutshell) to take to achieve your goals: 

  1. Choose a dream and write down your goal
  2. Why do you want to achieve this goal?
  3. Which things support this goal?
  4. Which things are making achieving the goal harder?
  5. What is going to be different after you’ve achieved your goal?
  6. Which things you have to give up on to achieve your goal?
  7. Which skills or what kind of knowledge you’ll need?
  8. Which internal resources you’ll need?
  9. What kind of steps are you going to take?
  10. What is the probability that you’ll achieve your goals?

Sounds like a lot of questions to answer?

Please take the time to go through these steps and you’ll thank yourself later. You’ll save that time (and much more) while achieving your goals because you are going to be more focused, determined and motivated. 

And please note that sometimes the goal we think we want to achieve is not the right one for us at the moment. So to choose the RIGHT goal is one of the most important steps in this process and this method can save you a lot of headache and dissappointment as long as you’re honest to yourself. 

Continue reading and go through the step-by-step instructions to achieve your goals. 

Want to skip the post and get the full workbook instead? Super! 

You can buy the full 10-page workbook that’ll guide you through this process with simple questions. 


Step-by-step instructions to achieve your goals

Here are the step-by-step instructions to achieve your goals.

I have an example at the end of each step so you’ll have an idea what kind could the answer be. The example is about getting physically healthier and to run 5K. The example is just there to help you understand the steps. I am not an expert in running. Not even close! 😀

You can choose any dream or goal to do this exercise. If this seems difficult, I would advice to start with an easy one, so that you get familiar with the process. 

Let’s go! I can’t wait for you to get closer to achieving your goals and living your dream life!

STEP 1: Choose one of your dreams:  

  • Choose one of your dreams (only one at a time!)
  • Write down your goal
  • Think about the timeline (1 week, 3 months, 2 years)
  • What has happened when the goal has been achieved?
  • For example: in three months I am able to run 5K.

Step 2: Why do you want to achieve your goal? 

  • What are the reasons that make you want to achieve your goal?
  • List 1-5 things
  • For example: I want to be healthier. I want to lose weight. I want more energy. 

Step 3: Which things already support this goal? 

  • Which things in your life already support this goal? They can be about your current knowhow, your personal features and/or something you have.
  • List 1-5 things
  • For example: I have legs. I know how to run a mile. I have sneakers. My friend knows how to run 10K. I found a running course online that teaches you how to gradually run more and more without hurting yourself. 

Step 4: Which things are making ACHIEVING YOUR GOAL harder? 

  • Which things in your life make the goal achieving harder? These can be about your current knowhow, your personal features, something you have, something you lack.
  • List 1-5 things
  • For example: I don’t have time. I’m busy taking care of my family.  My knee is hurting. I don’t believe it’s possible. I don’t have proper running gear. 

Step 5: What is going to be different after you’ve achieved your goal?  

  • How are things going to be different after you’ve achieved your goals? 
  • Close eyes, take yourself to the future
  • What do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel?
  • Feel with all of your sences
  • How things are different?
  • Which things have changed on the way?
  • List 1-5 things
  • For example: I am strong. I look great in my jeans. I feel free. I feel proud of myself. I’m running fast. My muscles are not hurting. I’m happy and smiling. 

Step 6: Which things you have to give up on to achieve your goal?  

  • Which things in your life you have to give up on to achieve this goal? 
  • List 1-5 things
  • For example: Sleeping late on weekends. Eating a pizza for lunch. Watching tv shows. Being away from my family. 

Step 7: Which skills or what kind of knowledge you’ll need to learn so that you could achieve your goal? 

  • Which skills or what kind of knowledge you’ll need? 
  • Is there someone who could help you?
  • List 1-5 things
  • For example: I’d need to know how to run correctly, so that I don’t hurt my knee. I could ask help from my friend who is a personal trainer. 

Step 8: Which internal resources you’ll need to get to your goal? 

  • Which kind of internal reasources you’ll need to achieve your goal? 
  • Internal resourses could be for example: willpower, strenght, persistance, motivation etc.
  • List 1-5 things
  • For example: I need willpower to go running every day. I need to be strong with temptation not to stay home when it’s not a nice weather. I need to be persistent. 

Step 9: What are you going to do towards your goal? 

  • Which kind of steps are you going to be taking today to achieve your goal?
  • What about in a week?
  • In a month?
  • Today?
  • For example: Today I’m going to print out the running program that I found on the internetThis week I’m going to go for a walk 3 times and run a few minutes each time. In a month I’ve already established a great routine and I’m going to ask my friend to go run with me and check that my techique is good. 

Step 10: What is the probability you’ll achieve your goal? 

  • The last step is to be honest to yourself and to find out how convinced are you?
  • How much do you believe you will achieve your goal?
  • How excited are you to achieve your goal?
  • Answer with the scale 0-10 
  • Note: It’s good to start even though it wouldn’t be 10!
  • For example: If you are at 7, think about what you should do so that you could get to 8 and then to 9
  • What is keeping you from not being on 8 or 9?
  • Go through the 10 steps until you are convinced enough and then go for it!
  • Note: If you still are not totally convinced, it’s good to think twice – maybe this goal is not the right one for you and you should go get another goal.

Download the 10-step method cheat sheet

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Next steps

To get familiar with being a goal setter and becoming a goal getter we need to practice, practice and practice. 

Every time you have a smaller or a bigger dream or goal take these steps to evaluate your goal and take first steps to achieve your goals. 

The first steps are the most crucial. Once you are in motion and taking even the smallest step towards your goal the rest gets easier. 

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