Months of the Year – List of Months in Order

Home » Months of the Year – List of Months in Order

What is this month’s month number?

Today, this month’s month number is


Here you can find numbers for all months of the year and a months of the year list, as well as how the months got their names, how many days are in each month, the history of the calendars and how you can easily know which months have 31 days (aka the Knuckle Method).

List of months

List of months - months of the year list | SaturdayGift
Months of the year list
List of months - months of the year list - pink | SaturdayGift
List of the months (pink)
List of months - months of the year list - beige | SaturdayGift
Months of the year list (beige)
List of months - months of the year list - green | SaturdayGift
List of the months (green)

The months of the year list – All the months in order

Month numberName of the MonthDays in MonthFor ShortQuarterSeason*
1January31 daysJan.Q1Winter
2February28 days (common year)
29 days (leap year)
3March31 daysMar.Q1Spring
4April30 daysApr.Q2Spring
5May31 daysMay.Q2Spring
6June30 daysJun.Q2Summer
7July31 daysJul.Q3Summer
8August31 daysAug.Q3Summer
9September30 daysSep.Q3Autumn
10October31 daysOct.Q4Autumn
11November30 daysNov.Q4Autumn
12December31 daysDec.Q4Winter
The months of the year list – All month numbers and the months in order

*) Season for Northern Hemisphere

How many months in a year? – The number of months in a year

There are twelve months in a year.

How many days in each month – The number of days in a month

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December 

Each month has 30 and 31 days, except for February, which has 28 or 29 days (29 during leap years).

Months with 28 (or 29) days

February is the only month that has 28 days (common year). During leap year (every four years), February has 29 days.

Months with 30 days

April, June, September, and November have 30 days each month.

Months with 31 days

All the rest seven months – January, March, May, July, August, October, and December – have 31 days each month.

And how many weeks are there in a month?

Each month is approximately four and a half weeks long.

Week numbers by year:

2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 | 2031

How to know how many days in each month – The Knuckle Method

The Knuckle Method - How many days in a month - image of two hands made in fists - each knuckle represents months with 31 days and between knuckles are months with less than 31 days.
The Knuckle Method – How many days in a month The knuckle method (note: the last knuckle won’t be used)

I remember as a kid using the knuckle method to know which months have 30 days and which months 31 days.

The knuckle method works by making your hands into fists and place them next to each other.

Starting with the pinky finger to the thumb; each knuckle represents a month with 31 days.

And between the knuckles are the months with 30 days (as well as February that has 28/29 days.)

When you get to the knuckle of the index finger, you jump on the other hand and continue counting with the knuckle of the other index finger. This way, July and August (months next to each other with 31 days in each) are both on the knuckle.

The last knuckle isn’t used.

The Knuckle Method Printable - How many days in a month - image of two hands made in fists - each knuckle represents months with 31 days and between knuckles are months with less than 31 days.
The Knuckle Method with instructions – How many days in each month

DOWNLOAD: The Knuckle Method with instructions PDF (portrait) – How many days in a month

DOWNLOAD: The Knuckle Method PDF (landscape) – How many days in a month

Leap years explained

What are leap years?

A leap year is a calendar year with an extra day, the 29th of February (leap day) inserted into it. The solar year is approx 365.25 days long, so the extra day every four years compensates for the inexact number of days in a year.

Leap years happen every four years, so one year in every fourth year has 366 days, instead of the usual 365.

Day numbers by years:

2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 | 2031

Is the year 2028 a leap year?

The year 2028 is a leap year.

2028 Calendar Template - Week numbers 2028 Sunday-starting weeks | SaturdayGift
Year 2028 is a leap year – Leap Day is on February 29.

When are the next leap years?

The following five leap years are 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040 and 2044.

What were the past leap years?

The past leap years were 2024, 2020, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000.

How do you know if a year is a leap year?

If the calendar has the day February 29th (Leap Day), then the year is a leap year.

How to remember which year is a leap year?

If you don’t remember what years are leap years, you can start from the year 2000 (that was a leap year) or from 2020 (that was a leap year as well) and start adding four years.

2020+4=2024. 2024+4=2028 and so on. 

So you could say that most years that can be divided by four without a remainder are leap years.

LEARN MORE ABOUT LEAP YEARS: Leap Year List – When Is the Next Leap Year?

What are the 12 months in order?

The twelve months in order are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November December.

What are the numbers for each month?

What is the first month of the year?

January is the first month of the year and the January month number is 1.

January comes after December and before February.

January 1st is known as New Year‘s Day, which is when the year begins.

The number of days in January is 31.

What month is February?

The month number of February is 2. So February is the 2nd month of the year.

February comes after January and before March.

February is the only month that has 28 days in it (29 days during a leap year).

What is the March month number?

March comes after February and before April.

March is the third month of the year. So the month number for March is 3.

March has 31 days.

What is the April Month number?

April month number is 4 making April the 4th month of the year.

April comes after March and before May.

The number of days in April is 30.

What month is May?

May is the fifth month of the year, so the month number for May is 5.

May comes before June and after April.

May has 31 days.

What number month is June?

June month number is 6, so June is the 6th month of the year.

June follows May and is before July, and it’s the 6th month of the year.

June has 30 days.

What number is July?

July is the 7th month of the year, so July’s month number is 7. July comes before August and after June.

The number of days in July is 31.

What month is August?

August month number is 8 making August the 8th month of the year.

August comes after July and before September.

August has 31 days.

What is the September month number?

September is the 9th month of the year, so the month number for September is 9.

September follows August and is before October.

September has 30 days.

What number is October?

The October month number is 10 making October the 10th month of the year.

October comes after September and before November.

The number of days in October is 31.

What is the November month number?

November is the 11th month of the year, so November’s month number is 11.

November is the second last month of the year.

November comes after October and before December.

November has 30 days.

What number month is December?

December month number is 12 – it’s the 12th and final month of the year. It follows November, and it’s before January.

December 31st is known as New Year’s Eve, meaning that it’s the day or the evening (hence the word eve) before the New Year.

December has 31 days.

The names of the months – Where the names of the months come from?

Where do the month names come from? What are they based originally on?

January (in Latin, Ianuarius, or Mensis Ianuarius) was named after the Roman god Janus who looked both backward to the past and forwards to the future.

February (in Latin, Februarius, or Mensis Februarius) was named after the Roman festival of purification, Februa.

March (in Latin, Martius or Mensis Martius ) was named after the Roman god Mars.

There are a few interpretations about what April (in Latin, Aprilis or Mensis Aprilis) was named after. One is that it comes from the Latin word “aperire”, to open. And April is the month to “open” the spring. The other interpretation is that the original word was Aphrilis from goddess Venus’ Greek equivalent, Aphrodite, because April was Venus’ favorite month.

May (in Latin, Maius or Mensis Maius) was named after the Greek goddess Maia, who was connected to the Roman Goddess of Fertility, Bona Dea. Bona Dea’s Festival was held in May.

June (in Latin, Junius or Mensis Junius) was named after the Roman goddess Juno. Juno was the wife of Jupiter, the king of gods.

July (in Latin, Iūlius) was named after Julius Caesar in 44 BC. Before the name change, it was called Quintilis (or Mensis Quintilis) because it was the 5th month of the 10-month calendar.

August (in Latin, Augustus) was named after the first emperor of Rome, Augustus. Before the name change, it was called Sextilis (or Mensis Sextilis) because it was the sixth month of the 10-month calendar.

September (in Latin September, or Mensis September) was originally the seventh month of the 10-month calendar, and it’s originated from the word septem, which means seven.

October (in Latin October, or Mensis October) was originally the eighth month of the 10-month calendar, and it’s originated from the word ôctō, which means eight.

November (in Latin November, or Mensis November) was originally the ninth month of the 10-month calendar, and it’s originated from the word novem, which means nine.

December (in Latin December, or Mensis December) was originally the 10th (and last) month of the 10-month calendar, and it’s originated from the word decem, which means ten.

Lunar Calendar – The origin of months: moon’s orbit

The origin of months is believed to be based on the lunar cycle.

The word “month” is derived from the Latin word mensis.

The Lunar calendar months were first used to measure the natural period related to the time for the moon to go through all moon phases – the synodic month. The months began with the first signs of the crescent moon. 

Cute Free Printable Moon Phase Calendar by SaturdayGif
Cute free printable lunar calendars

Moon phases are :

  • New moon: when the moon is not visible from Earth because it is between Earth and the Sun.
  • First-quarter: when one-fourth of the moon’s surface is illuminated by the Sun.
  • Full moon: when the moon is fully illuminated by the Sun.
  • Last quarter: when one-fourth of the moon’s surface is illuminated by the Sun.

There are also other moon phases like Waxing Gibbous and Waning Gibbous Moon and Waxing Crescent and Waning Crescent Moon.

Phases of the Moon - New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent
Phases of the Moon – New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent
Phases of the Moon - New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent
Phases of the Moon – New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent

The idea was to break down the year into shorter, “more manageable” periods that coincide with the moon’s phases.

The problem with the lunar calendar was that following the moon’s orbit would not have aligned with the solar year, making the solar year about 10 days short.

History of the months – Roman Calendar & Julian calendar

The Ancient Romans had the Roman calendar, and it was originally based on ten months, and it began with March (the first month) and ended in December (the last month).

The Roman ruler Numa Pompilius is said to add January and February to the calendar to make the year 12 months long. 

Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar in 45 BC, a reform of the Roman Calendar, with a year length of 365.25 days.

So every three years had 365 days and the fourth year had 366 years, making that year the leap year.

The Modern-day calendar: Gregorian Calendar

The modern-day calendar is Gregorian Calendar. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 and is based on the Julian calendar.

The Julian calendar year was 365.25 days long when the more accurate solar year on average is 365.24219 days (365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 45 seconds long). 

So Pope Gregory XIII made a minor modification to the Julian calendar, making the year length 365.2425 days, which is more accurate than the Julian Calendar. 

That doesn’t sound like a significant change, but it means that because the Julian calendar is 10.8 minutes longer, it gains one extra day every 128 years compared to the Gregorian calendar.

And that small of a change makes the Julian calendar be 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar. So not so small, after all.

Gregorian calendar is the most commonly used calendar in the world.

Other calendars are still used to calculate f.ex religious holidays and annual feasts, but the Gregorian calendar is most commonly used to track days, weeks, months, and years.

Year-at-a-glance Calendars

If you're looking for cute SaturdayGift year-at-a-glance calendar template printables, you can find them from these posts.

TIP: Print out each calendar template on a separate page (and add the monthly calendar sheets), and you can make your own custom calendar/planner.

Looking for monthly calendars to print out

If you’re looking for free aesthetic calendar designs by month, you might like my printable calendars. There are multiple designs and all calendars come with dates.

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