Character Traits List – 115+ Examples of Character Traits
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Looking for a comprehensive list of character traits? Here’s a list of 115+ character traits – positive, negative, neutral and unique traits and qualities with examples.

Whether you are a writer looking to develop your characters, a student, or simply interested in personality psychology, I’ve compiled a diverse selection of traits in a list of characteristics for you to choose from.
Here are examples of positive and negative traits as well as neutral and unique traits.
You’ll first find a list in alphabetical order, then with categories and lists with examples + free printable character traits lists.
Character traits list (in alphabetical order)
Here’s a list of 116 common
This list is not exhaustive and does not include all

- Adaptable
- Adventurous
- Altruistic
- Analytical
- Arrogant
- Assertive
- Astute
- Caring
- Cautious
- Charismatic
- Charming
- Compassionate
- Confident
- Conscientious
- Cooperative
- Courageous
- Courteous
- Creative
- Cruel
- Cynical

- Decisive
- Defensive
- Diligent
- Discerning
- Dishonest
- Ebullient
- Eccentric
- Eclectic
- Egotistical
- Eloquent
- Empathetic
- Empathic
- Empowering
- Energetic
- Enigmatic
- Enthusiastic
- Fair
- Flexible
- Forgiving
- Forthright

- Generous
- Genuine
- Gracious
- Grateful
- Greedy
- Honest
- Hypocritical
- Impatient
- Impulsive
- Inconsiderate
- Independent
- Indifferent
- Innovative
- Inquisitive
- Insensitive
- Inspirational
- Intolerant
- Intrepid

- Jealous
- Joyful
- Kind-hearted
- Lazy
- Logical
- Loyal
- Manipulative
- Methodical
- Meticulous
- Moderate
- Modest
- Mysterious

- Narcissistic
- Narrow-minded
- Objective
- Observant
- Optimistic

- Patient
- Perceptive
- Persistent
- Pessimistic
- Practical
- Pragmatic
- Quirky
- Rational
- Realistic
- Reckless
- Reflective
- Reliable
- Reserved
- Resilient
- Resolute
- Resourceful
- Respectful
- Responsible
- Rude

- Sage
- Sarcastic
- Self-centered
- Self-disciplined
- Selfless
- Sincere
- Sociable
- Spirited
- Spontaneous
- Stubborn
- Supportive

- Tactful
- Tenacious
- Tolerant
- Unconventional
- Understanding
- Unflappable
- Unyielding
- Versatile
- Vindictive
- Visionary
- Whimsical

Download character traits list PDF (in alphabetical order)
Download the character traits list PDF in alphabetical order. You can download the printable list
Paper size: US letter, but some are resizable (to A4 and other sizes).
All designs (free printables) ©SaturdayGift Ltd. For personal use only, not to be copied, distributed, altered, or sold.

DOWNLOAD: Character Traits List (PDF) – traits in alphabetical order – VERTICAL Black & White
DOWNLOAD: Character Traits List (PDF) – traits in alphabetical order – HORIZONTAL Black & White
DOWNLOAD: Character Traits List (PDF) – traits in alphabetical order – PORTRAIT 4 colors (Grey, Pink, Beige & Green)
DOWNLOAD: Character Traits List (PDF) – traits in alphabetical order – LANDSCAPE 4 colors (Grey, Pink, Beige & Green)
Want the character traits lists by categories instead? You can find them next + the Character Trait lists divided into positive, negative, neutral and unique traits PDFs.
Character trait list (by category)
In this list, the character traits are categorized in
- Positive character traits
- Negative character traits
- Neutral character traits
- Unique character traits
This is one way of categorizing the traits. So please use these categories as a guide and not as an absolute method of defining
Please also note that certain character traits can exhibit in multiple categories, contingent upon their expression and the given circumstances.
This list is excellent whether you’re a writer and want to describe your novel’s fearless hero, villain, or other characters, or you’re a person who wants to learn more about different character types, behaviors, and traits.
Positive Character Trait List
- Adaptable
- Assertive
- Caring
- Compassionate
- Confident
- Cooperative
- Courageous
- Courteous
- Creative
- Diligent
- Empathetic
- Empowering
- Energetic
- Enthusiastic
- Fair
- Forgiving
- Forthright
- Generous
- Genuine
- Gracious
- Grateful
- Honest
- Inspirational
- Joyful
- Kind-hearted
- Loyal
- Modest
- Optimistic
- Patient
- Persistent

- Reliable
- Resilient
- Respectful
- Responsible
- Self-disciplined
- Selfless
- Sincere
- Supportive
- Tactful
- Tolerant
- Understanding

RELATED POST: Positive Character Traits List – 100 Good Qualities & Examples
Negative Character Trait List
- Arrogant
- Cruel
- Cynical
- Defensive
- Dishonest
- Egotistical
- Greedy
- Hypocritical
- Impatient
- Impulsive
- Inconsiderate
- Indifferent
- Insensitive
- Intolerant
- Jealous
- Lazy
- Manipulative
- Narcissistic
- Narrow-minded

- Pessimistic
- Reckless
- Rude
- Sarcastic
- Self-centered
- Stubborn
- Vindictive

RELATED POST: Negative Character Traits List – 98 Negative Qualities & Examples
Neutral Character Traits List
- Analytical
- Cautious
- Conscientious
- Decisive
- Flexible
- Independent
- Inquisitive
- Logical
- Methodical
- Meticulous
- Moderate
- Objective
- Observant
- Practical
- Pragmatic
- Rational
- Realistic
- Reflective
- Reserved
- Spontaneous

List of Unique Character Traits
- Adventurous
- Altruistic
- Astute
- Charismatic
- Charming
- Discerning
- Ebullient
- Eccentric
- Eclectic
- Eloquent
- Empathic
- Enigmatic
- Innovative
- Intrepid
- Mysterious
- Perceptive
- Quirky
- Resolute
- Resourceful
- Sage
- Sociable
- Spirited
- Tenacious
- Unconventional
- Unflappable
- Unyielding
- Versatile
- Visionary
- Whimsical

Download character traits list PDF (by category)
Here, you can download the free printable character trait lists.
You can download the printable list of

And next you can find examples of positive and negative traits as well as neutral and unique traits.
Examples of positive character traits
These are considered positive traits. These are positive qualities that we should all strive to possess and develop.
# | Positive Character Trait | Example |
1 | Adaptable | Capable of adjusting to new situations. |
2 | Assertive | Able to express their needs and opinions. |
3 | Caring | Concerned about the well-being of others. |
4 | Compassionate | Showing empathy and kindness towards others. |
5 | Confident | Believing in their abilities and potential. |
6 | Cooperative | Willing to work harmoniously with others. |
7 | Courageous | Willing to face challenges without fear. |
8 | Courteous | Polite and respectful in their interactions. |
9 | Creative | Imaginative and innovative in their thinking. |
10 | Diligent | Hardworking and persistent in their efforts. |
11 | Empathetic | Able to share and understand the feelings of others. |
12 | Empowering | Uplifting and inspiring to those around them. |
13 | Energetic | Possessing high levels of vitality and enthusiasm. |
14 | Enthusiastic | Energetic and passionate about their pursuits. |
15 | Fair | Just and equitable in their judgments. |
16 | Forgiving | Willing to pardon others for their mistakes. |
17 | Forthright | Honest and direct in their communication. |
18 | Generous | Willing to give and share with others. |
19 | Genuine | Authentic and true to themselves. |
20 | Gracious | Displaying politeness and charm. |
21 | Grateful | Appreciative of the good in their life. |
22 | Honest | Truthful and sincere in their words and actions. |
23 | Inspirational | Motivating and encouraging to others. |
24 | Joyful | Radiating happiness and positivity. |
25 | Kind-hearted | Possessing a compassionate and gentle nature. |
26 | Loyal | Dedicated and faithful to friends and loved ones. |
27 | Modest | Humble and not boastful about their achievements. |
28 | Optimistic | Maintaining a positive outlook on life. |
29 | Patient | Able to endure difficulties without complaint. |
30 | Persistent | Not giving up easily in the face of obstacles. |
31 | Reliable | Consistently trustworthy and dependable. |
32 | Resilient | Able to bounce back from adversity. |
33 | Respectful | Treating others with consideration and dignity. |
34 | Responsible | Reliable and accountable for their obligations. |
35 | Self-disciplined | Able to control their actions and impulses. |
36 | Selfless | Putting the needs of others before their own. |
37 | Sincere | Genuine and honest in their intentions. |
38 | Supportive | Offering encouragement and assistance to others. |
39 | Tactful | Skilled in handling sensitive situations with care. |
40 | Tolerant | Accepting of diverse opinions and beliefs. |
41 | Understanding | Capable of comprehending different viewpoints. |
Psst! Want more positive character traits examples?
POST: Positive Character Traits List – 100 Good Qualities & Examples
Examples of negative character traits
These are considered negative traits.
# | Negative Character Trait | Example |
42 | Arrogant | Exaggerating their own importance. |
43 | Cruel | Enjoying causing suffering to others. |
44 | Cynical | Distrustful and pessimistic. |
45 | Defensive | Quick to take offense and defend themselves. |
46 | Dishonest | Telling lies and lacking integrity. |
47 | Egotistical | Excessively self-centered and conceited. |
48 | Greedy | Excessively desiring wealth or possessions. |
49 | Hypocritical | Saying one thing and doing another. |
50 | Impatient | Easily frustrated by delays or obstacles. |
51 | Impulsive | Acting without thinking of the consequences. |
52 | Inconsiderate | Thoughtless of others’ needs. |
53 | Indifferent | Showing a lack of interest or concern. |
54 | Insensitive | Not considering the feelings of others. |
55 | Intolerant | Unwilling to accept differences. |
56 | Jealous | Envious of others’ success or possessions. |
57 | Lazy | Avoiding work, effort and responsibilities. |
58 | Manipulative | Using others for personal gain. |
59 | Narcissistic | Excessively self-absorbed and egotistical. |
60 | Narrow-minded | Unwilling to consider different viewpoints. |
61 | Pessimistic | Always expecting the worst outcome. |
62 | Reckless | Acting without concern for safety. |
63 | Rude | Disrespectful in their behavior and speech. |
64 | Sarcastic | Using mocking or ironic language. |
65 | Self-centered | Focused on their own needs and desires. |
66 | Stubborn | Unyielding and inflexible in their opinions and actions. |
67 | Vindictive | Seeking revenge when wronged. |
Psst! Want more negative character traits examples?
POST: Negative Character Traits List – 98 Negative Qualities & Examples
Download positive and negative character traits lists with examples

Neutral character traits – examples
These are examples of neutral character traits.
# | Neutral Character Trait | Example |
68 | Analytical | Methodical and systematic in their approach. |
69 | Cautious | Exercises careful consideration and hesitation before taking risks or making decisions. |
70 | Conscientious | Demonstrates a sense of responsibility and attention to detail. |
71 | Decisive | Capable of making firm choices. |
72 | Flexible | Willing to adapt to changing circumstances. |
73 | Independent | Self-reliant and self-sufficient. |
74 | Inquisitive | Curious and eager to learn. |
75 | Logical | Making decisions based on reason and evidence. |
76 | Methodical | Systematic and organized in their approach. |
77 | Meticulous | Paying great attention to detail. |
78 | Moderate | Practices balance and avoids extreme behaviors or opinions. |
79 | Objective | Maintains a neutral and unbiased perspective in assessing situations or information. |
80 | Observant | Paying close attention to details. |
81 | Practical | Focused on what is useful and effective. |
82 | Pragmatic | Focused on practical solutions. |
83 | Rational | Using reason and logic to make decisions. |
84 | Realistic | Grounded in practicality and facts. |
85 | Reflective | Thoughtful and contemplative. |
86 | Reserved | Tends to be quiet and discreet in social interactions. |
87 | Spontaneous | Acting on impulse and intuition. |
Unique character traits – examples
These can be considered unique character traits.
# | Unique Character TraitE | Example |
88 | Adventurous | Always seeking new and thrilling experiences. |
89 | Altruistic | Devoted to the well-being of others. |
90 | Astute | Shrewd and discerning in their observations. |
91 | Charismatic | Exudes a compelling charm and magnetic personality. |
92 | Charming | Delightfully charismatic and attractive. |
93 | Discerning | Demonstrates keen insight and good judgment in decision-making. |
94 | Ebullient | Radiates enthusiasm and high spirits. |
95 | Eccentric | Odd or unconventional in behavior or appearance. |
96 | Eclectic | Drawing from a wide range of sources and influences. |
97 | Eloquent | Fluent and persuasive in speech. |
98 | Empathic | Highly attuned to the emotions of others. |
99 | Enigmatic | Possesses a mysterious and captivating aura that intrigues others. |
100 | Innovative | Possesses creative and groundbreaking ideas or solutions. |
101 | Intrepid | Fearless and willing to face difficult or dangerous situations. |
102 | Mysterious | Enigmatic and difficult to understand. |
103 | Perceptive | Quick to notice and understand things. |
104 | Quirky | Unconventional and idiosyncratic. |
105 | Resolute | Determined and unwavering in their convictions. |
106 | Resourceful | Finds ingenious and innovative solutions to problems. |
107 | Sage | Wise and experienced in judgment. |
108 | Sociable | Enjoying the company of others. |
109 | Spirited | Full of energy and enthusiasm. |
110 | Tenacious | Persistent and unyielding in their pursuits. |
111 | Unconventional | Prefers to think and act outside of traditional norms and boundaries. |
112 | Unflappable | Remains calm and composed under pressure or in stressful situations. |
113 | Unyielding | Maintains strong principles and refuses to compromise on |
114 | Versatile | Possesses a wide range of skills and abilities, adaptable to various tasks. |
115 | Visionary | Has a forward-thinking and imaginative perspective on the future. |
116 | Whimsical | Playful and imaginative. |
Download neutral and unique character trait lists with examples

What are character traits, and why are they important?
Character traits are the specific qualities and characteristics that make up an individual’s personality.
They can include many attributes such as honesty, kindness, determination, a sense of humor, etc.
Understanding and developing character traits is crucial to personal growth and success.
It not only helps us understand ourselves better but also allows us to build solid and healthy relationships with others.
Is character and personality the same?
While the terms character and personality are often used interchangeably, there is a slight difference between them.
Personality is an individual’s unique combination of mental, emotional, and behavioral patterns (such as introversion or extroversion) that distinguish them from others.
On the other hand, character refers to the moral and ethical
In simpler terms, personality is who we are on the surface, whereas character is who we are at our core.
RELATED POST: Personality vs. Character – What’s the difference between personality and character
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Character traits vs. personality traits vs. core values
Character traits and personality traits are often confused with each other, but they are not the same.
Character traits are qualities and individual characteristics that make you who you are, and personality traits describe how you appear to others.
While character and personality shape an individual’s overall identity, core
In other words, core
RELATED POST: Core Values: Examples of 150+ Personal Values + Core Values List PDF
Why should you work on developing positive character traits?
Developing positive character traits has numerous benefits in personal and professional aspects of life.
First and foremost, it helps us become better individuals – kinder, more compassionate, and more empathetic towards others.
It also allows us to build stronger relationships with those around us, as people are drawn to individuals with positive character traits.
In the workplace, having strong character traits such as integrity and reliability can lead to career advancement and success.
Moreover, possessing positive character traits can improve our mental and emotional well-being, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.