How many days in June

There are

30 days

in June

  • June starting date (mm/dd) is 06/01 – June 1
  • June end date (mm/dd) is 06/30 – June 30
  • (mm = month, dd = day)

There are 30 days in June.

June is 4 weeks and 2 days long.

When is the first day of June and how many months, weeks and days until June?

POST: June Countdown – How Many Days Until June 1?

How many days in each month

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December 

Interesting things about June

Here are some interesting facts about June:

Where does the name June come from? 

June (in Latin, Junius or Mensis Junius) was named after the Roman goddess Juno. Juno was the wife of Jupiter, the king of gods.

Did you know: June wasn’t always the sixth month of the year

The first month of the year in the Roman Calendar was March, and the second was April.

Julius Caesar changed the calendar and added January and February, making the beginning of the year January.

The modern-day calendar is called the Gregorian calendar, and is based on the Julian calendar.

Which months have the same number of days as June

April, September, and November have the same number of days (30 days) as June.

How many days in a month?

Each month has 30 and 31 days, except for February, which has 28 or 29 days (29 during leap years).

The common calendar year is 365 days

The leap year is 366 days.

Months with 28 (or 29) days

February is the only month that has 28 days (common year). During the leap year (every four years), February has 29 days.

Related post: Leap Year List – When Is the Next Leap Year?

Months with 30 days

Months that have 30 days are April, June, September, and November.

Months with 31 days

All the rest seven months have 31 days each month.

Months that have 31 days are January, March, May, July, August, October, and December.

Get up-to-date information:

June calendar printables

Check the dates in June and print out your favorite free calendar: June Calendar – 20 Cute & FREE Printables

June Phone wallpapers

Find your favorite June phone wallpaper: June Calendar Wallpaper – 38 Cute Backgrounds For Your iPhone

June Desktop backgrounds

Grab your favorite June desktop background: June Desktop Wallpaper – 21 Cute & Free June Calendar Backgrounds

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