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Moon observation journal – Log the phases of the moon (Free printables)

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Want to log the moon phases the easy way? Print out cute and free printable moon observation journal today and help your child observe and document the moon phases and how the moon appears to change shape. The printables come in 5 pretty colors/designs.

Printable Moon Observation Logs on the desk
Printable Moon Observation Journals

What is a moon observation journal?

A Moon Phase Journal is where you observe the moon. 

Enter your observations in the Moon Tracker, draw what you see in the moon observation sketch. Then record The Moon’s current phase for future reference. This Moon Log can make it easier to keep track of your observations over time.

How to use the printable moon observation log?

Instructions to use the printable Moon Observation Journal

  1. Print out the moon journal printable at the bottom of this post.
  2. Optional: Print out the moon phases cheatsheet from this post: 13 Printable Moon Phases Worksheets
  3. Observe the night sky and the moon at the same time each night and record the moon activity
  4. Draw the shape the moon appears in the sky. Use the free printable log provided at the bottom of this post
  5. Write down the date of your observations

Please note that in these printables the moon is observed from the Northern Hemisphere.

Printable Moon Observation Logs in four different colors (pink, beige, green and grey) on the desk
Cute Free Printable Moon Trackers

Even after a few days, you’ll start to see the moon tends to change shape constantly! And if you use the moon journal again the next month, you’ll notice that The Moon looks the same approximately every four weeks.

Disclaimer: I’m no NASA 😀 so these are meant as fun activities for kids. If you need more detailed information or resources about the moon, the sun, stars, planetary science, and patterns, data, etc., you can find them, for example, from, well… NASA. Or learn in a fun way, for instance, from Ready Jet Go.

Who is the Moon Observation Journal for?

This Moon Journal Log is perfect for moon studying children (and moon-loving parents) for school or Google Classroom. Moon phase students can follow the lunar cycle throughout the year.

This printable set is copyright protected ©SaturdayGift Ltd. For personal and classroom use only, not to be hosted, sold, used for commercial purposes, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system. Graphics purchased or licensed from other sources are also subject to copyright protection.

Moon observations journal (free printable)

Each printable is meant to be used for about one month (28 days).

The moon takes about 27.3 days to go around the earth, but the lunar cycle from new moon to new moon is approximately 29.5 days.

You can find the download links for each printable moon journal under the images.

Tip: Want to know if your observations are correct? Check out this moon calculator from stardate.org.

My Moon Journal - Green Free Printable Moon Observation Journal by SaturdayGift
Green Free Printable Moon Observation Journal

DOWNLOAD: Printable Moon Observation Journal (GREEN)

My Moon Journal - Grey Free Printable Moon Observation Journal by SaturdayGift
Grey Free Printable Moon Observation Log

DOWNLOAD: Printable Moon Observation Log (GREY)

My Moon Journal - Pink Free Printable Moon Observation Journal by SaturdayGift
Pink Free Printable Moon Observation Journal

DOWNLOAD: Printable Moon Tracker Journal (PINK)

My Moon Journal - Beige Free Printable Moon Observation Journal by SaturdayGift
Beige Free Printable Moon Observation Journal

DOWNLOAD: Free Printable Moon Journal (BEIGE)

My Moon Journal - Black & White Free Printable Moon Observation Journal by SaturdayGift
Black & White Free Printable Moon Observation Journal

DOWNLOAD: Printable Moon Observation Tracker (BLACK & WHITE)

The 8 phases of The Moon in order

The 8 phases of the moon are:

  1. New moon
  2. Waxing crescent moon
  3. First-quarter moon
  4. Waxing gibbous moon
  5. Full moon
  6. Waning gibbous moon
  7. Third-quarter moon
  8. Waning crescent moon
Printable Moon Phases - 8 phases of the moon
8 phases of the moon

Psst! Grab the printable above with a bunch of other moon phase worksheets from this post.

1. New Moon

The new moon is the first phase of the moon. It begins when The Moon is not visible from the earth.

2. Waxing Crescent Moon

The waxing crescent moon is the second phase of the moon. The visible part of the moon gets bigger each day until it becomes a half-moon – the first quarter moon.

Waxing means growing.

3. First Quarter Moon

The first quarter moon is the third phase of the moon. It takes place when the moon is about one-quarter of its way around the earth.

4. Waxing Gibbous Moon

The waxing gibbous moon is the fourth phase of the moon. It occurs when more than half but less than all of the moon is visible from the earth.

5. Full Moon

The full moon takes place when the moon is fully visible from the earth.

6. Waning Gibbous Moon

The waning gibbous moon comes after the full moon. The visible part of the moon gets smaller each day until it becomes a half-moon – the third quarter moon.

Waning means shrinking.

7. Third Quarter Moon

The third-quarter moon occurs when half of the moon is visible from the earth.

8. Waning Crescent Moon

The waning crescent moon comes after the third quarter when the visible part of the moon becomes smaller each day until it is not visible, making it a new moon again.

Want more ideas and free printables about the Moon?

Create an easy-to-make workbook by combining the moon observation log with the moon phases printable worksheets. And add even the lunar calendar.

Moon phases – multiple free printable worksheets

I’ve created a collection of cute free printable worksheets about moon phases. You can get more information about the 8 moon phases and grab multiple free printable worksheets from this post:

POST: Free Printable Moon Phases – The 8 Moon Phases Worksheets.

Printable Moon Phases - 8 phases of the moon

Lunar calendar – cute addition to your planner

Grab cute lunar calendar that tells the dates of the new moon, first quarter moon, full moon and third quarter moon of each month of the year.

POST: Cute (& Free!) Lunar Calendar Printables

Cute Free Printable Moon Phases Calendar Green
Lunar calendar

Free printable yearly calendars

If you're looking for cute SaturdayGift year-at-a-glance calendar template printables, you can find them from these posts.

TIP: Print out each calendar template on a separate page (and add the monthly calendar sheets), and you can make your own custom calendar/planner.

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