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13 Free Printable Moon Phases Worksheets – the 8 Phases of the Moon

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Today’s printable gift is a free pack of printable moon phases worksheets. You’ll find everything you’ll need to learn and teach your child about the 8 phases of the moon.

Printable Moon Phases Worksheets on the desk - Free Printables by SaturdayGift
Printable Moon Phases Worksheets

The following worksheets and moon phases are a great way to teach children or students about the moon, its phases, and its role in our night sky. Actually, this topic is so interesting that we adults might also learn new things. And hey, Usually, my printables are free for personal use only, but you can also use these in a classroom.

How to use the worksheets

Simply print out the worksheets and let your child learn about the moon. And if you print out all of the printables, you can make a fun and clever book about the moon. Psst! Grab also the fun Moon Observation Journal Sheet.

The printables are US letter size, but can resize them and print them as A4, for example.

I’ve created a lot of printables about moon activity and different phases of the moon.

Please note that in these printables the moon is observed from the Northern Hemisphere.

Free printable Moon Phases – 8 phases of the moon

This free printable shows the different phases of the moon.

Printable Moon Phases - 8 phases of the moon
8 Phases of the Moon

DOWNLOAD: 8 Phases of the Moon Printable

Moon Activity – 8 Phases of The Moon Worksheet

Printable Phases of the Moon Worksheet
Printable Phases of the Moon Worksheet

DOWNLOAD: Printable Phases of the Moon Worksheet

8 Phases of The Moon in order

This free printable shows each moon phase in order.

Phases of the Moon in order Printable
Phases of the Moon in Order Printable

DOWNLOAD: Phases of the Moon in Order Printable

Name the 8 moon phases in order (free printable worksheet)

Phases of the Moon Printable Worksheet - name the moon phases
Name the Moon Phases Printable Worksheet

DOWNLOAD: Name the Moon Phases Printable Worksheet

Draw the 8 moon phases in order (free printable worksheet)

Phases of the Moon Printable Worksheet - draw the moon phases
Draw the Moon Phases Printable Worksheet

DOWNLOAD: Draw the Moon Phases Printable Worksheet

Moon Activity – Phases of The Moon individual Worksheets (free printables)

Here you can find each moon phase on a separate page. But before we get to those, let’s go through what are at the 8 phases of the moon.

What are the 8 phases of The Moon?

The 8 phases of the moon are:

  • New moon
  • Waxing crescent moon
  • First-quarter moon
  • Waxing gibbous moon
  • Full moon
  • Waning gibbous moon
  • Third-quarter moon
  • Waning crescent moon
  • New moon

What do waxing and waning mean?

Waxing means growing.

Waning means shrinking.

What do gibbous and crescent mean?

Gibbous (of the moon) means the illuminated part is bigger than a semi-circle but smaller than a full circle.

Crescent (of the moon) is the curved sickle-shaped illuminated part of the moon. It’s smaller than a semi-circle.

And here are the printables.


The new moon is the first phase of the moon. It begins when the moon is not visible from the earth.

Printable Moon Phases Worksheet - New Moon
New Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)

DOWNLOAD: New Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)


The waxing crescent moon is the second phase of the moon. The visible part of the moon gets bigger each day until it becomes a half-moon – the first quarter moon.

Waxing means growing.

Crescent (of the moon) is the curved sickle-shaped illuminated part of the moon. It’s smaller than a semi-circle.

Printable Moon Phases Worksheet - Waxing Crescent Moon
Waxing Crescent Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)

DOWNLOAD: Waxing Crescent Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)


The first quarter moon is the third phase of the moon. It takes place when the moon is about one-quarter of its way around the earth.

Printable Moon Phases Worksheet - First Quarter Moon
First Quarter Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)

DOWNLOAD: First Quarter Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)


The waxing gibbous moon is the fourth phase of the moon. It occurs when more than half but less than all of the moon is visible from the earth.

Waxing means growing.

Gibbous (of the moon) means the illuminated part is bigger than a semi-circle but smaller than a full circle.

Printable Moon Phases Worksheet - Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)

DOWNLOAD: Waxing Gibbous Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)


The full moon takes place when the moon is fully visible from the earth.

Printable Moon Phases Worksheet - Full Moon
Full Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)

DOWNLOAD: Full Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)


The waning gibbous moon comes after the full moon. Each day, the visible part of the moon gets smaller until it becomes a half-moon – the third quarter moon.

Waning means shrinking.

Gibbous (of the moon) means the illuminated part is bigger than a semi-circle but smaller than a full circle.

Printable Moon Phases Worksheet - Waning Gibbous Moon
Waning Gibbous Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)

DOWNLOAD: Waning Gibbous Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)


The third-quarter moon occurs when half of the moon is visible from the earth.

Printable Moon Phases Worksheet - Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)

DOWNLOAD: Third Quarter Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)


The waning crescent moon comes after the third quarter when the visible part of the moon becomes smaller each day until it is not visible, making it a new moon again.

Waning means shrinking.

Crescent (of the moon) is the curved sickle-shaped illuminated part of the moon. It’s smaller than a semi-circle.

Printable Moon Phases Worksheet - Waning Crescent Moon
Waning Crescent Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)

DOWNLOAD: Waning Crescent Moon (Printable Moon Phases Worksheet)

This printable set is copyright protected ©SaturdayGift Ltd. Graphics purchased or licensed from other sources are also subject to copyright protection. For personal and classroom use only, not to be hosted on any other website, sold, used for commercial purposes, or stored in an electronic retrieval system.

There’s something excited about the moon, and it inspires many people, including artists and musicians. Moon is the only other place in the solar system where humans have set foot. The moon has a significant impact on us, and the tides are just one example.

So print out these free printable worksheets today and have fun learning about the moon.

Printable Moon Phases Worksheets - Free Printable PDFs by SaturdayGift
Printable Moon Phases Worksheets

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If you liked these printables, you might also enjoy the Moon Observation Journal and the Lunar Calendars.

The Moon Observation Journal is perfect for fun learning or summer camping trips. You’ll observe the moon’s activity and draw what you see.

Printable Moon Observation Log by SaturdayGift

POST: Cute & Free Printable Moon Observation Journals

This Lunar Calendar is so fun and cute! Check out the dates of new moons, first quarter moons, full moons and third moons of each month.

Free Printable Lunar Calendar by SaturdayGift
Cute free printable lunar calendars

POST: Cute & Free Printable Lunar Calendars

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  1. My 6th grader with Down syndrome will LOVE these worksheets as she studies for her next Earth (and Space) Science quiz!! Thank you SO MUCH!! P.S. I love them, too! I’m learning so much from your worksheets!! <3

    1. I love this! I’m SO happy your 6th grader will like these worksheets! I hope she does well in her next Earth (and Space) Science quiz. Thank you so much for leaving this comment. It made my day <3

      Creator of SaturdayGift

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