Negative Character Traits List – 98 Negative Qualities & Examples
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Looking for a list of negative character traits? Here’s a list of 98 negative character traits and qualities with examples.

Negative character traits list (in alphabetical order)
Here’s a list of 98 common
This list is not exhaustive and does not include all

- Apathetic
- Arrogant
- Boastful
- Careless
- Cautious
- Complacent
- Conceited
- Cowardly
- Cruel
- Cynical

- Deceitful
- Defensive
- Defiant
- Dependent
- Dishonest
- Dishonorable
- Disloyal
- Disorganized
- Disrespectful
- Disruptive
- Distant
- Domineering
- Egocentric
- Egotistical
- Evasive

- Gossipy
- Greedy
- Gullible
- Hedonistic
- Hypocritical
- Impatient
- Impertinent
- Impolite
- Impulsive
- Inattentive
- Inconsiderate
- Inconsistent
- Indecisive
- Indifferent
- Indulgent
- Inept
- Inflexible
- Insensitive
- Invasive
- Irresponsible
- Irritable

- Judgmental
- Lazy
- Malevolent
- Malicious
- Manipulative
- Materialistic
- Melodramatic
- Miserly
- Moocher

- Nagging
- Narcissistic
- Narrow-minded
- Needy
- Neglectful
- Neurotic
- Nonchalant
- Obnoxious
- Overbearing
- Overcritical
- Overly Competitive

- Paranoid
- Pessimistic
- Procrastinating
- Rash
- Reckless
- Reclusive
- Resentful
- Revengeful
- Rigid
- Rude
- Ruthless

- Sarcastic
- Scheming
- Secretive
- Selfish
- Sneaky
- Spiteful
- Stubborn
- Superficial

- Unaccountable
- Unappreciative
- Uncooperative
- Ungrateful
- Unmotivated
- Unreliable
- Unsympathetic
- Untrustworthy
- Vague
- Vain
- Vengeful
- Vindictive
- Withdrawn

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DOWNLOAD: Negative Character Traits List (PDF) – traits in alphabetical order – VERTICAL Black & White
DOWNLOAD: Negative Character Traits List (PDF) – traits in alphabetical order – HORIZONTAL Black & White
DOWNLOAD: Negative Character Traits List (PDF) – traits in alphabetical order – PORTRAIT 4 colors (Grey, Pink, Beige & Green)
DOWNLOAD: Negative Character Traits List (PDF) – traits in alphabetical order – LANDSCAPE 4 colors (Grey, Pink, Beige & Green)
Want the negative character traits lists by categories instead? You can find them next + the Negative Character Traits lists by category PDFs.
Negative character trait list (by category)
Here’s a list of 98 negative characteristics and negative qualities.
In this post, the negative traits are categorized under these categories.
The categories are not carved in stone, and some
The categories are:
- Arrogance and Ego-Centrism
- Dishonesty and Deception
- Impulsiveness and Lack of Self-Control
- Insensitivity and Cruelty
- Neglect and Irresponsibility
- Selfishness and Greed
- Stubbornness and Inflexibility
Please note that this is just one way to categorize these traits.
Arrogance and Ego Centrism
- Arrogant
- Boastful
- Conceited
- Egocentric
- Egotistical
- Impertinent
- Narcissistic
- Overbearing
- Rigid
- Superficial
- Vain

Dishonesty and Deception
- Cynical
- Deceitful
- Dishonest
- Dishonorable
- Evasive
- Gossipy
- Gullible
- Hypocritical
- Invasive
- Judgmental
- Malevolent
- Malicious
- Manipulative
- Scheming
- Secretive
- Sneaky
- Untrustworthy
- Vague

Impulsiveness and Lack of Self Control
- Cautious
- Impulsive
- Procrastinating
- Rash
- Reckless
- Impatient

Insensitivity and Cruelty
- Cruel
- Disrespectful
- Impolite
- Inattentive
- Inconsiderate
- Insensitive
- Irritable
- Melodramatic
- Narrow-minded
- Rude
- Ruthless
- Sarcastic
- Spiteful
- Unappreciative
- Unsympathetic
- Vengeful
- Vindictive

Neglect and Irresponsibility
- Apathetic
- Careless
- Complacent
- Cowardly
- Dependent
- Disloyal
- Disorganized
- Disruptive
- Distant
- Inconsistent
- Indecisive
- Indifferent
- Indulgent
- Inept
- Irresponsible
- Lazy
- Nagging
- Neglectful
- Neurotic
- Nonchalant
- Obnoxious
- Overcritical
- OverlyCompetitive
- Paranoid
- Pessimistic
- Reclusive
- Resentful
- Revengeful
- Unaccountable
- Uncooperative
- Ungrateful
- Unmotivated
- Unreliable
- Withdrawn

Selfishness and Greed
- Egocentric
- Egotistical
- Greedy
- Hedonistic
- Materialistic
- Miserly
- Moocher
- Needy
- Selfish

Stubbornness and Inflexibility
- Defensive
- Defiant
- Domineering
- Inflexible
- Stubborn

Download negative character traits list PDF (by category)
Here, you can download the free printable negative character traits list.
You can download the printable list of

DOWNLOAD: Negative Character Traits List (PDF) – by category – VERTICAL Black & White
DOWNLOAD: Negative Character Traits List (PDF) – by category – HORIZONTAL Black & White
DOWNLOAD: Negative Character Traits List (PDF) – by category – PORTRAIT 4 colors (Green, Beige, Pink & Grey)
DOWNLOAD: Negative Character Traits List (PDF) – by category – LANDSCAPE 4 colors (Green, Beige, Pink & Grey)
Examples of negative character traits
# | Negative Trait | Example |
1 | Apathetic | Lacks interest or enthusiasm for anything. |
2 | Arrogant | Displays an exaggerated sense of self-importance. |
3 | Boastful | Excessively brags about achievements or possessions. |
4 | Careless | Displays a lack of attention to detail or caution. |
5 | Cautious | Exhibits excessive fear or hesitation. |
6 | Complacent | Satisfied with mediocrity and lacks ambition. |
7 | Conceited | Overly proud and self-centered. |
8 | Cowardly | Lacks courage and avoids facing fear or danger. |
9 | Cruel | Inflicts harm or suffering on others intentionally. |
10 | Cynical | Distrustful of others’ motives and sincerity. |
11 | Deceitful | Engages in dishonesty or falsehoods. |
12 | Defensive | Reacts to criticism with denial and hostility. |
13 | Defiant | Disobeys rules or authority intentionally. |
14 | Dependent | Relies excessively on others for support. |
15 | Dishonest | Untruthful and lacking in integrity. |
16 | Dishonorable | Acts without integrity or moral principles. |
17 | Disloyal | Betrays trust or allegiance to others. |
18 | Disorganized | Lacks order and structure in tasks. |
19 | Disrespectful | Shows a lack of regard or courtesy for others. |
20 | Disruptive | Causes disturbance or chaos in situations. |
21 | Distant | Keeps emotional or physical distance from others. |
22 | Domineering | Exerts control and authority over others. |
23 | Egocentric | Places oneself at the center of all matters and self-interest above all else. |
24 | Egotistical | Excessively self-centered and conceited. |
25 | Evasive | Dodges questions or avoids giving direct answers. |
# | Negative Trait | Example |
26 | Gossipy | Spreads rumors and talks behind others’ backs. |
27 | Greedy | Excessively desires wealth or possessions. |
28 | Gullible | Easily deceived or manipulated by others. |
29 | Hedonistic | Pursues pleasure and self-indulgence above all else. |
30 | Hypocritical | Acts in a way that contradicts stated beliefs. |
31 | Impatient | Unable or unwilling to tolerate delays or obstacles. |
32 | Impertinent | Disrespectfully intrusive and rude. |
33 | Impolite | Exhibits rudeness and lack of courtesy. |
34 | Impulsive | Acts without forethought or careful consideration. |
35 | Inattentive | Fails to pay proper attention or focus. |
36 | Inconsiderate | Fails to show thoughtfulness or concern for others. |
37 | Inconsistent | Behaves unpredictably or unreliably. |
38 | Indecisive | Struggles to make choices or decisions. |
39 | Indifferent | Lacks interest or concern for others’ well-being. |
40 | Indulgent | Gives in to desires and cravings without restraint. |
41 | Inept | Lacks skill or competence. |
42 | Inflexible | Resistant to change or adapting to new circumstances. |
43 | Insensitive | Lacks empathy and is unaware of others’ feelings. |
44 | Invasive | Invades personal boundaries without permission. |
45 | Irresponsible | Fails to fulfill duties and obligations. |
46 | Irritable | Easily annoyed or angered. |
47 | Judgmental | Forms critical opinions about others without understanding. |
48 | Lazy | Avoids effort or taking initiative and procrastinates tasks. |
49 | Malevolent | Displays a deliberate desire to do evil or harm to others. |
50 | Malicious | Intends to cause harm or suffering to others. |
# | Negative Trait | Example |
51 | Manipulative | Seeks to control or deceive others for personal gain. |
52 | Materialistic | Places excessive value on material possessions. |
53 | Melodramatic | Exaggerates emotions for attention. |
54 | Miserly | Extremely reluctant to spend or share resources. |
55 | Moocher | Habitually takes advantage of others. |
56 | Nagging | Constantly complains or criticizes others. |
57 | Narcissistic | Obsessed with oneself and lacks empathy. |
58 | Narrow-minded | Resistant to new ideas or perspectives. |
59 | Needy | Constantly seeks attention and validation from others. |
60 | Neglectful | Fails to fulfill responsibilities or obligations, often resulting in harm or neglect to others. |
61 | Neurotic | Exhibits excessive anxiety and irrational behaviors. |
62 | Nonchalant | Displays indifference or lack of interest. |
63 | Obnoxious | Acts in an offensive and annoying manner. |
64 | Overbearing | Dominates or controls others with forceful behavior. |
65 | Overcritical | Excessively critical and fault-finding. |
66 | Overly Competitive | Excessively focused on winning and outdoing others. |
67 | Paranoid | Exhibits irrational distrust of others’ intentions. |
68 | Pessimistic | Frequently and habitually anticipates negative outcomes. |
69 | Procrastinating | Delays or postpones tasks unnecessarily. |
70 | Rash | Acts hastily and without caution. |
71 | Reckless | Acts impulsively without considering consequences. |
72 | Reclusive | Avoids social interactions excessively. |
73 | Resentful | Holds grudges and feels bitter toward others. |
74 | Revengeful | Seeks retribution for perceived wrongs. |
75 | Rigid | Inflexible and resistant to change or compromise. |
# | Negative Trait | Example |
76 | Rude | Displays impolite and offensive behavior. |
77 | Ruthless | Shows no mercy or compassion in actions. |
78 | Sarcastic | Uses mocking or ironic remarks to belittle others. |
79 | Scheming | Plans and plots to deceive or manipulate. |
80 | Secretive | Withholds information or intentions from others. |
81 | Selfish | Prioritizes one’s own interests above others. |
82 | Sneaky | Behaves in a secretive and deceitful manner. |
83 | Spiteful | Deliberately harms or annoys others out of malice. |
84 | Stubborn | Refuses to yield or change opinions or course of action. |
85 | Superficial | Prioritizes shallow and surface-level qualities. |
86 | Unaccountable | Evades responsibility for actions or decisions. |
87 | Unappreciative | Fails to express gratitude or recognition. |
88 | Uncooperative | Resists working with others or following instructions. |
89 | Ungrateful | Fails to show appreciation or thankfulness. |
90 | Unmotivated | Lacks drive or enthusiasm for goals. |
91 | Unreliable | Cannot be depended upon to fulfill commitments. |
92 | Unsympathetic | Lacks empathy, compassion or understanding for others’ emotions and suffering. |
93 | Untrustworthy | Lacks reliability and cannot be depended upon. |
94 | Vague | Communicates unclearly or ambiguously. |
95 | Vain | Excessively concerned with one’s appearance and ego. |
96 | Vengeful | Seeks retaliation for perceived injustices. |
97 | Vindictive | Seeks revenge or retaliation against perceived wrongs. |
98 | Withdrawn | Avoids social interactions and emotional connections. |
Download negative character traits lists with examples

DOWNLOAD: Negative Character Traits List – Examples of Negative Character Traits PDF – 3 PAGES
Positive character traits list
Here you can find a list of positive personality traits.
POST: Positive Character Traits List – 100 Good Qualities & Examples
Character traits list
Here’s a list of positive, negative, and neutral character traits.
POST: Character Traits List – 115+ Examples of Character Traits (Positive, Negative, Neutral & Unique Traits)
Personality trait list
And here’s the personality trait list.
POST: Personality Traits List – 137+ Examples of Personality Traits
Core values list
Here, you can find the list of core
POST: Core Values: Examples of 150+ Personal Values + Core Values List PDF
What is a negative character trait?
A negative character trait is an undesirable quality or characteristic that can harm an individual’s personal and professional life.
These negative traits can manifest in different forms, such as behavior, attitude, emotions, thoughts, and actions.
Negative personality traits impact the individual and those around them, leading to conflicts and even strained relationships.
We all have positive and negative characteristics that make us who we are.
While positive character traits can lead to success and happiness, negative ones can hold us back from reaching our full potential and forming healthy relationships.
It’s important to recognize and acknowledge our negative traits to work towards improving them or finding ways to counteract their effects.
The downsides of negative character traits
Negative character traits can hinder personal growth, damage interpersonal relationships, and limit opportunities for success.
They can also contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
Some negative traits may seem harmless or even beneficial in small doses. For example, a little bit of stubbornness can be seen as determination.
However, when these traits become excessive, unchecked, or a dominant part of one’s personality, they can cause harm.
Furthermore, these negative traits can prevent individuals from reaching their full potential and achieving their goals.
Negative vs positive personality trait
A positive personality trait is a desirable quality or characteristic (like good self-esteem or emotional stability) that can positively impact an individual’s life.
On the other hand, a negative personality trait is an undesirable quality or characteristic that negatively impacts an individual’s life.
While positive traits can lead to personal and professional success, negative traits can hold individuals back from reaching their full potential.
Identifying and working on negative traits while cultivating positive ones for overall improvement is essential.
How to overcome negative qualities in 5 steps
You might have a negative personality trait (or two) you are not too keen on. And give you negative emotions and thoughts.
But there is no need to despair; negative traits are not set in stone.
With self-awareness, determination, and practice, you can overcome them. Here are five steps to help you:
1) Recognize the negative attributes
The first step is identifying the negative trait or quality you want to work on.
Identifying and acknowledging even one trait that has a negative impact on your life is the first step toward overcoming it.
2) Understand its root cause
Dig deep and understand the underlying reasons for this trait, whether from past experiences, insecurities, or other factors.
Reflect on why and how the negative quality manifests in your behavior. Understanding its root cause can help you address it effectively.
3) Set goals for change
Decide on specific actions or behaviors that will counteract the negative trait and set achievable goals.
Look into your core
4) Practice positive actions
Develop coping mechanisms: Find healthy ways to cope with triggers and situations that may lead to this negative trait manifesting. It takes time for new behaviors to become habits. Practice consistently and consciously to overcome the negative attributes.
5) Seek support
Changing behavior can be challenging, and asking for help is okay. Seek support from friends, family, a coach, or a therapist if needed.
Learn more about how to build character from this post:
POST: How To Build Character – Unleashing Your Inner Excellence
Get inspired by these character quotes:
POST: Character Quotes – 41 Motivational Quotes About Character
Having negative traits is a normal part of being human.
However, recognizing and actively working on them can lead to personal growth and positive changes in one’s life.
With self-awareness, determination, and support, anyone can overcome negative qualities and cultivate positive ones for a happier and more fulfilling life.
So don’t be too hard on yourself; instead, focus on
Keep working on yourself, and never stop striving for personal improvement.
Remember, you have the power to shape your own character and become the best version of yourself.
Keep aiming for positive traits and
Your journey towards a better self starts now.
Happy self-improvement!