March Countdown – How Many Days Until March 1, 2025?
How many days till March 1?
143 days
This countdown timer is perfect for knowing how many more days until March 1.
There are still 143 days until March 1st.
What day is the next March 1?
March 1 – Saturday, March 1, 2025
All dates for the month of March – how long until March
Do you have an important event in March? Share how many days are left with your friends and family.
How many days until | Days |
March 1 | 143 days left |
March 2 | 144 days left |
March 3 | 145 days left |
March 4 | 146 days left |
March 5 | 147 days left |
March 6 | 148 days left |
March 7 | 149 days left |
March 8 | 150 days left |
March 9 | 151 days left |
March 10 | 152 days left |
March 11 | 153 days left |
March 12 | 154 days left |
March 13 | 155 days left |
March 14 | 156 days left |
March 15 | 157 days left |
March 16 | 158 days left |
March 17 | 159 days left |
March 18 | 160 days left |
March 19 | 161 days left |
March 20 | 162 days left |
March 21 | 163 days left |
March 22 | 164 days left |
March 23 | 165 days left |
March 24 | 166 days left |
March 25 | 167 days left |
March 26 | 168 days left |
March 27 | 169 days left |
March 28 | 170 days left |
March 29 | 171 days left |
March 30 | 172 days left |
March 31 | 173 days left |
What day of the week is March 1st?
March 1st lands on Saturday in the year 2025.
March 2025 starts on Saturday, March 1, 2025, and ends on Monday, March 31, 2025.
(March 2024 starts on Friday, March 1, 2024, and ends on Sunday, March 31, 2024).
How many days in March
There are 31 days in March.
What is the March month number
The March month number is 3.
March dates and days of the week (years 2023-2033)
Month | Year | Starts | Ends |
March | 2023 | Wednesday, March 1, 2023 | Friday, March 31, 2023 |
March | 2024 | Friday, March 1, 2024 | Sunday, March 31, 2024 |
March | 2025 | Saturday, March 1, 2025 | Monday, March 31, 2025 |
March | 2026 | Sunday, March 1, 2026 | Tuesday, March 31, 2026 |
March | 2027 | Monday, March 1, 2027 | Wednesday, March 31, 2027 |
March | 2028 | Wednesday, March 1, 2028 | Friday, March 31, 2028 |
March | 2029 | Thursday, March 1, 2029 | Saturday, March 31, 2029 |
March | 2030 | Friday, March 1, 2030 | Sunday, March 31, 2030 |
March | 2031 | Saturday, March 1, 2031 | Monday, March 31, 2031 |
March | 2032 | Monday, March 1, 2032 | Wednesday, March 31, 2032 |
March | 2033 | Tuesday, March 1, 2033 | Thursday, March 31, 2033 |
How long until next March 1
How many months until March 1?
There are 5 months (including this month) until next March 1.
How many weeks until March 1?
There are still 21 weeks (including this week) until next March 1.
How many days until March 1?
There are 143 days (including today) until next March 1.
How many weekends until March 1?
There are 21 weekends until next March 1.
How many sleeps are there until March 1?
There are 143 sleeps until next March 1.
How many business days until March 1?
You can calculate weekdays until a specific date by counting the remaining days and subtracting the number of weekend days.
For business, times and days are different because you need to take away the weekends and Federal holidays.
DOWNLOAD: 2024 calendar
DOWNLOAD: 2025 calendar
How many hours, minutes, and seconds until March
How many hours until March 1?
There are 3419 hours until next March 1.
How many minutes until March 1?
There are 205103 minutes until next March 1.
How many seconds until March 1?
There are 12306124 seconds until next March 1.
countdowns to holidays
Click the link to know how many days until each holiday.
Countdowns to seasons
Here you can find links to countdowns for the other seasons.
Want to create a calendar? Print out one of our yearly and monthly calendars. Add each important date to you and that you want to celebrate.
Yearly calendars
If you're looking for cute SaturdayGift year-at-a-glance calendar template printables, you can find them from these posts.
- Printable yearly calendars 2024 (all pretty designs)
- Printable yearly calendars 2025 (all cute designs)
TIP: Print out each calendar template on a separate page (and add the monthly calendar sheets), and you can make your own custom calendar/planner.
Monthly calendars
Here you can find cute & free printable SaturdayGift calendar designs:
- 2024 printable calendars: Cute & Free 2024 monthly calendars
- 2025 printable calendars: Cute & Free 2025 monthly calendars