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Why You Should Create a Timeline For Your Goals and Dreams

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Are you ready to achieve your goals? Create a timeline for your goals and you’ll be a HUGE step closer to achieving them.

Achieve your goals - create a timeline for your goals | Goal setting | Goal Achieving | Goal getter | Self Development | Personal Development | Make dreams reality | How to achieve goals | SaturdayGift | Saturday Gift #SaturdayGift

Read this article – Create a timeline for your goals – if you want to know: 

  • How to take a huge step closer to achieving your goals 
  • How to set goals that motivate you
  • Why using a timeline is way better than making a list of your goals

A goal without a  plan is just a dream, they say. But to dream about something that you’re never going to achieve, is just a nightmare. 


You know, wanting something all of the time. Trying a little this and a lot of that without any concrete results. Mindlessly being busy trying to achieve something you haven’t quite figured out. Yep! That’s what I would call a nightmare. But no more. 

Create a timeline for your goals and you’ll definitely be a huge step closer to achieving them. 

So let’s go!

An awesome goal

To have awesome goals that make you want to achieve them it’s important to set them in a certain way.

An awesome goal:

  • motivates you
  • scares you a bit
  • makes you smile and feel content (even proud!) when you vision the moment you’ve achieved it
  • can be measured so you know when you’ve achieved it
  • has a deadline

There are many ways to set awesome goals, but all of the different ways have same things in common – the goals need to be specific and measurable.  

For example:

Not so awesome goal:

I would like to spend more quality time with my family

An awesome goal:

I’m going to spend 2 hours every friday evening with my family playing games, crafting or watching a movie without answering texts or cheking emails and social media.

Why create a timeline for your goals?

When you set goals, it’s good to have long term goals and short term goals.

The long-term goals give you the vision and the short term goals keep you motivated.

You can set goals on your timeline 10 years into the future from now, but most likely the timeline is a bit too long to have a real specific (and an awesome) goal. But to see yourself 10 years from now will help you vision where you want to be and will give you direction.

Instead of looking too far into the future I like to set my goals up to 9-12 months from now so I’ll stay in touch with the goals, the goals are achievable and easily adjustable.

How to create a timeline for your goals?

So how to create a timeline for your goals? It’s super easy.

Draw a timeline or use the timeline template you can find at the end of this post.

Think about where you’d like to see yourself in a year? What do you want to be? What would’ve you liked to accomplished? 

Vision yourself 12 months from now. Does the vision make you want to smile? Does the goal scare you a bit? 

Good! Then you know you’ve created a goal that motivates you and is not too easy to achieve. 

After you’ve envisioned yourself a year from now start planning different smaller goals to get to the bigger goal and add them to your timeline

Then add extra things you want to achieve during the year to come.

Keep the timeline in a place where you can see it. And look at the timeline as often as possible.

Step-by-step instructions to create a timeline for your goals (plus a free template)

Here are the step-by-step instructions to create a timeline for your goals:

  1. Draw a timeline (or print the timeline you can download from this post.=
  2. Mark on the timeline the name of the months up to 9-12 months from now.
  3. Write your bigger goal in the end of the timeline and envision yourself when you’ve achieved that goal
  4. Then ask yourself: what are the smaller things/goals I need to do or achieve so that I can get to my bigger goal and add those smaller goals that will help you get to your bigger end goal on the timeline
  5. Then add extra things you want to achieve during the year to come
  6. Put the timeline somewhere you can see it
  7. Look at your timeline the first thing in the morning, during the day and in the evening. Envision yourself achieving your end goal as often as possible.
  8. And remember and remind yourself: you are super! You can do it!

Take a huge step closer to your dreams and create a timeline for your goals.

Achieve your goals - create a timeline for your goals | Goal setting | Goal Achieving | Goal getter | Self Development | Personal Development | Make dreams reality | How to achieve goals | SaturdayGift | Saturday Gift #SaturdayGift

DOWNLOAD: Timeline for your goals TEMPLATES

Read Next: 10 step method to achieve your goals

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Why you should create a timeline for your goals (+ Free Printable) | Goal setting | Goal Achieving | Goal getter | Self Development | Personal Development | How to achieve goals | SaturdayGift | Saturday Gift #SaturdayGift

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  1. This is really motivational. I love goal setting and this post was really helpful in that. I also really like the visuals of the post <3

  2. Cristina,

    Thank you for sharing this! I’ve never been good at goal setting (or keeping), but the way you’ve explained setting a goal timeline, just may work better for me. I’m excited to try it! I’ve already downloaded the template and plan on getting started in the next few days!

    Be Blessed, Biddy

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