Cyber Monday Shopping List Printable
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Want to plan ahead your Cyber Monday Shopping, save money and make sure you won’t purchase anything you didn’t plan to buy? Super! Here’s a pretty and practical Cyber Monday Shopping List Printable that’ll help you stay focused with all the amazing deals!
Today’s gift is a Cyber Monday shopping list printable that comes in 4 different designs. All of them will help you stay focused and plan your shopping ahead so that you’ll save money and buy only the things you’ve been planning to buy.
Plus the printables are so pretty that you can use them in your planner, binder or as-is.
I hope you like them!

These Cyber Monday Shopping List Printables come in 4 different designs and they’re US letter size.
One of them comes without the boarders and can be easily resizable to fit any planner size.

How to use the Cyber Monday Shopping List?
First there’s a place to write your overall budget.
Then there are two boxes you can write extra information and notes.
The “columns” on the printable:
- First column: On the first lines you can write WHAT you’d like to buy.
- First box – Normal Price: Here you can write the regular price of the product that you’re thinking about buying.
- Second box – Hope to pay: Here you can write HOW MUCH you’d like to pay for the product if you’ll find it on sale.
- Lines – Where to buy: Here you can write the STORE name you are trying to find the product.
- Next box – Found it: This box you can “CHECK” when you’ve found and purchased the product.
- Box – Spent $: Here you can write how much you PAID for the product.
- Box – Saved $: Here you can write how much you SAVED. You can get this by calculating the difference between the Normal Price and the Spent $.
- And after Cyber Monday you can calculate the TOTAL spendings and the total savings.
How to download the Cyber Monday Shopping lists
You can download these cute shopping lists by clicking the link underneath the images. These are printable gifts, so please feel free to print out as many as you need for your personal use!

DOWNLOAD: Cyber Monday Shopping List Printable (beige 1).
© SaturdayGift Ltd. For personal use only, not to be copied, distributed, altered or sold.

DOWNLOAD: Cyber Monday Shopping List Printable (blue).

DOWNLOAD: Cyber Monday Wish List Printable (pink).

DOWNLOAD: Cyber Monday Shopping List Printable (beige 2).
© SaturdayGift Ltd. For personal use only, not to be copied, distributed, altered or sold.
Looking for other shopping lists / wish lists?
Want to remember this? Pin this post – cyber Monday Shopping List Printable – to your favorite Pinterest board.

Ciao Cristina, volevo ringraziarti per questi file, a parte che sono “sul pezzo” come si suol dire… sono alcuni giorni che giro sul blog e mi piace davvero tanto il tuo lavoro mi ha dato tantissimi spunti, mille complimenti e ancora grazie!!!
Ciao Silvia! Grazie mille per le tue parole gentili! Mi rende cosi felice di sapere che ti piace il mio lavoro! E sono così contenta se il mio blog ti dà idee! Grazie!
– Cristina | SaturdayGift